Because this man's kind and almost caring tone had me confused. This was not the same priest who'd tried to have my lace stripped so I wouldn't be a threat to him. He seemed so different from the man who'd pushed me, hoping I'd break. Now, here he was, talking to us like we were old friends? There had to be a catch.

"Your brother," Kinen told Talin. "He has once again requested both you and Nariana for the winter holidays with the Ranndor family. I've already approved it." And he pushed over a piece of paper.

The fact that it was set face down should've warned me. I was too confused by the High Priest's new attitude, though. Talin took the paper and his eyes slid across the page. Before they even reached the bottom, his entire body had gone still. Pushing his breath out just a little too hard, my guardian offered me the page.

"She's an initiate," he said.

But I was already reading. The letter was from Tath to the High Priest, it seemed. The first bit was little more than a polite greeting. After that, Tath asked about the state of the temple, making it clear that he had been busy with his other businesses. Then he said he would need to have Talin attend the family for the holidays so they could make sure the Temple of Temptation was properly presented at all holiday functions.

It was the bit afterwards which made my gut clench. Tath went on to request an exception for my status as an initiate during our stay. Because of his busy schedule and recent ascension to the position, he didn't have the luxury of coming to the temple. Since I'd be staying at Sandrest for two weeks, it would be convenient if I could be treated as a full priestess.

In other words, he wanted a session.

When I finally looked up, Kinen was smiling as if I'd just walked into his trap. "How was your night, Nariana? I heard you returned late from your... activities."

"I did," I admitted. "Since this is the last weekend before we begin studying for our end of semester exams, I took the chance to visit a friend. I am allowed to leave the temple as an initiate. I checked to be sure of it."

"To leave the temple means to have lunch or buy clothing!" Kinen barked at me. "It does not include spending all night with apatron."

"I wasn't with a patron," I told him. "We both know that I'm not allowed to have sessions of any kind outside the temple grounds. Non-sexual sessions are approved on property owned by the temple complex."

"And where exactly were you last night?" Kinen asked, sure he'd caught me in a lie already.

"Myself, Eladehl, Talin, Wraythe, and our friend Anver all went to the Temple of Perception to meet with an initiate priest we know. It wasn't sexual, Priest Kinen. It was a group of friends sitting on the floor and talking about primary school days and the stress of exams. And even if it was, I'm still allowed to fuck who I want!"

"And last weekend you justhappenedto have a date with another Priest of Perception?" The man scoffed. "How stupid do you think I am? If they are tithing, then it's a session!"

"Different priests, and there was no tithe last night. Last weekend's session was with Priest Edrik. I met him during a party Maela Ranndor invited me to. As one of the higher-ranked priests in his temple, on his god's holiday, Edrik wanted to have a partner on his arm. He felt it would make it easier to excuse himself from groups that wanted to monopolize his attention."

Which was basically true, but not exactly what he'd said. It was why most priests asked for dates to functions like that. I felt safe enough making the assumption for him.

Kinen just leaned closer, bracing his arms on the desk between us. "Nariana, you might think I'm a fool, but I still run this temple. You want to say that you're not like any priestess before. Well, this is me taking you at your word. You're not, so I don't see why you can't perform sessions with the Ranndor household." He smiled and the look was cruel. "When our Baron demands to have his needs satiated, the least I can do is give him the priestess he desires, right?"

"Even though he has yet to come to the temple?" Talin asked. "My brother has neglected his duty, but you intend to reward him for it?"

"Just imagine how the Baroness will feel when she finds her dear friend in bed with her husband, Priest Talin. I'm thinking she'll stop her foolish ideas of being the Primary Patron, and start managing her house like most baronesses do."

I reached over to touch Talin's arm. "And our job is to serve," I said softly.

His head whipped over, and for a moment our eyes met. There was anger in those icy blue depths. I couldn't say anything in front of Kinen, but I tried to be calm, hoping Talin could feel it through our bond. After a second, he dropped his head.

"Again, you're right, Nari." Then Talin looked back to Kinen. "My apologies, Priest Kinen. My issues with my family aren't the temple's responsibility. The pair of us will handle ourselves properly."

"Issues?" Kinen asked.

Talin just nodded. "Yes, sir. I feel that my brother has put his businesses ahead of the temple. My younger brothers have been distracting him too much. We've argued about it."

"I see," Kinen said. "Well, maybe you can change his mind over the holidays. You'll have plenty of time to speak to him. Two weeks. Tath has already scheduled the carriage to pick you both up as soon as your exams are completed."

So we wouldn't even get to see our grades? Of course not. Anything Kinen could do to keep me stressed or anxious seemed to make the man happy. It was like he thought we had to be at war. Too bad for him, I was more than willing to fight back. I just intended to do it in ways he would never expect.

"Was there anything else you needed, Priest Kinen?" I asked.

"No." He flicked his hand, dismissing us.

We went. Neither of us stopped until we were all the way back to our hall and standing just outside our door. Then, with his hand on the handle, Talin looked at me.

"How did he know where we were going, Nari? How did he know we were out of the temple last night?"