"What about the prayers?" Yamina asked, sounding honestly concerned.

Edrik smiled at her. "Priestess Rebexa will have them printed for those who miss it. Savi also isn't as concerned with punctuality as much as intention. Tell me, Lady Ranndor, has your household prepared for the lean times of winter?"

Yamina made a face. "I don't honestly know. I'm sure we have, but the staff handles that."

"Then you should thank the staff tonight for their planning," Edrik said, offering his hand. "So long as you do that, and think about the hardships that come with cold weather and no food growing, then you're enjoying Perception's holiday. Even if you're dancing."

She accepted his hand and the pair led us all toward the open grassy spot that had been cleared for dancing yesterday. Musicians were playing light music, so Edrik guided the youngest Ranndor into the steps. Maela turned to Talin and lifted a brow. Obediently, he asked her to dance. That left me, Ela, and Wraythe there to watch.

"Did you want to dance?" Ela asked.

I looked over at Wraythe. "In a bit."

Wraythe smiled at me. "I learned a little, you know. I mean, I'm not good, but I promised I'd dance with you the next chance we got."

I slid my fingers between his, but my head was busy looking around. "The next song," I promised.

"Who are you looking for?" Ela asked.

"The gods," I admitted. "Savi appeared to the High Priestess of Perception today. Bode talked to Talin yesterday. Charisma was there when my face got painted."

"And Merci with your brother," Ela agreed. "Zeal spoke to me. All you're missing is Will."

"He helped my date win a bear for his son yesterday," I admitted, flicking my finger for them both to look. "Do either of you see the man in a yellow shirt by the drink cart?"

Wraythe blew out a breath. "Yellow? No."

"Which means Bode isn't wearing robes today," I decided. "They're all out here, just mingling."

Wraythe bent a little more so his ear was beside mine. "Because they can. I think you're supposed to be doing the same, Nari. Come dance with me? Please?"

"Go," Ela said, and that was the last encouragement I needed.

Wraythe led me around the grass, spinning me when he lost the rhythm. He wasn't a great dancer, but he looked so good today, and the smile on his face was perfect. When that song ended, I found Maela as my partner. Talin danced with Ela, and Yamina claimed Wraythe. For the song after that, Edrik made a point of cutting in, proving to me that he was a very good dancer.

At some point, the group of us took a break. Wraythe offered to get some food for us, then invited Yamina to help him carry it. Those two seemed to be getting along really well, but Talin was glaring at Wraythe's back as they walked away. I was just about to pick on him for it when a man stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hello, beautiful," he teased, kissing the side of my neck.

"Peyron!" I gasped, turning around to find him stepping back to hold his arms out in an invitation for a hug. Naturally, I stepped in to take it. "I guess they would let you out of classes for this, huh?"

"Yep," he agreed, looking over at Talin. "I hope you all are having a fruitful Day of Planning." And then he saw my date.

Suddenly, Peyron let me go and stepped back, turning professionally polite in an instant. His face became stoic, and it seemed a little blood drained from his face. Edrik just ducked his head and chuckled.

"So, it seems you'reveryfriendly with Nari, huh?"

"Yes, Priest Edrik," Peyron mumbled. "I didn't think the nature of my relationship with them was important to the High Priestess."

Edrik just waved for the guy to relax. "It's a holiday, Peyron."

But Ela couldn't help himself. He wagged a finger between the two of them. "So, I get the impression you know each other?"

"I teach a lot of Protection classes," Edrik admitted. "Peyron here is one of my students. A good one."

"Mm, very good," Ela teased.

Immediately, Peyron's face turned red, and Edrik roared out a laugh. "Ah, I believe I understand now. So, which one of them are you crushing on, Peyron?"