"Did you get the surveys from our dates last night?" I asked.

She shook her head. "They will be mailed back. Today, I show you're with a respected Priest of Perception. You seem to be spending a lot of time with that temple lately."

"Savi's desperate," I explained. "Ela spoke with our friend a few weeks ago, and he's close, but it sounds like he hasn't seen her yet. I do know that he spoke with his High Priestess, though."

"Ah," Saval said. "Kinen won't be thrilled to hear about that."

"I met my siblings too. They're all in Compassion, and one of my brothers was going to talk to their High Priest. It seems a few temples are excited about the gods coming back. They also don't necessarily agree with Kinen."

"Good to know," Saval said, flicking her eyes up. "And I'm willing to bet this is your date for the day."

Because the man trotting up the stairs wore green. His suit was a deep shade that was just muted enough to not be garish. His shirt was emerald green, while his cravat and vest were in a minty shade. While monochromatic, the overall look was elegant and respectable. He looked like the kind of man who was used to spending time in the highest circles of society. Considering that I'd first met him at a baron's home, that made sense.

"Priestess Nariana," Edrik greeted me before he was halfway through the room. "Priestess Saval. Do I need to check her out for the day, or can I simply steal her away?"

"Edrik," Saval said, sounding pleasantly exasperated by the man. "Do I want to know why you're taking an initiate out for a date?"

The man winked at her. "Because being perceptive doesn't keep us from being dirty old men?"

"I'd believe that from anyone else," she said. "Try again."

Edrik chuckled. "Let's just say that a session with a priestess raises no eyebrows. If it's at a festival my temple is hosting, it makes sense that I'd want an attractive woman on my arm. If it also means that I introduce her to my friends, then it's merely coincidence, and nothing for Kinen to complain about." He lowered his voice at the end so his words wouldn't carry past us. "We have an initiate priest with the symbol of Savi. He mentioned that our goddess spoke to the Priestess of Temptation. I'm curious to hear what Savi said. That's all."

Saval flicked a finger toward Talin. "Priest Talin is one of the best swordsmen our temple has ever seen. He was raised learning the weapon. Just know that if you try to make my student into some kind of display, he will leave you singing soprano. Am I understood?"

"Perfectly, Priestess Saval," Edrik said. "I've also met the pair before. You have my word that I'm not about to set the temples against each other today." Then he offered his arm. "Shall we, Nariana?"

I looped my hand through his elbow, clasping his forearm. "We shall, Priest Edrik. And I hope you have a fruitful Day of Planning."

"I see you've studied a bit," he praised as we turned for the front. "Talin, you're welcome to walk with us, not behind us."

So Talin moved up to my other side. "So this was a calculated date?" he asked.

Edrik smiled at him. "I'm a Priest of Perception. Most things I do are calculated. Now, I have about ten reasons why I wanted this, and one of them is because I intend to enjoy the holiday. The other nine might be because of temple politics."

"So do I get a hint?" I asked as we took the long way around toward his temple.

"I am one of the High Priestess's advisors," Edrik explained. "Priestess Rebexa has heard the rumors of an initiate with multiple Paths. There was speculation about what you mean for our gods, which we spoke about on our first visit."

"I do remember your advice," I assured him.

"Good," Edrik said. "But since then, we've been watching the Temple of Temptation slowly fold on itself. The Baron is barely involved. The Baroness has claimed to be the Primary Patron. While the laws allow for it, it's never happened before. The other noble houses are in a titter about Lady Ranndor overstepping her place. Considering that I happen to know who this miraculous priestess is, and that you've been making the rounds with Lady Ranndor, I'm willing to bet there's a tie."

"There is," I agreed.

"I mean more than your guardian's family," he clarified.

"She's my friend," I assured him. "It's not a secret, and we're not trying to hide it. Maela Ranndor is my sister-in-law, and we've bonded because we've both been brought into the Ranndor insanity. Friendship through culture shock, Priest Edrik."

"Just Edrik," he assured me.

"Then I'm just Nari," I told him.

He nodded to show he approved, and kept going. "Well, at the end of the summer, one of our students, who happens to be about your age, showed up with an unusual mark on his wrist. He claimed to have spoken to you, and you were speaking to the air as if it was our goddess. Now that priest has the symbol of Savi?"

"She kissed his wrist," I explained. "Savi's ready to be seen. She longs to have her priests believe in her again."

"And Rebexa wants to know how," Edrik finished. "We know about your lineage. We also know that you aren't the only one seeing the gods anymore. Our High Priestess is dying to learn what she must do to prove herself worthy."