Chapter 54


Ibarely noticed Ela and Wraythe coming home that night. If there hadn't been a smothered laugh before a loud thump and then a crash, I definitely would've slept through it. No, they weren't drunk, but the pair were exhausted. The fact that Wraythe flopped down on one side of the bed while still partially dressed proved it.

Ela managed to pull his pants off while Wraythe was insisting that he'd be fine. Then once he was in only his underwear, he rolled closer to cuddle with me. Ela claimed the far side, and within seconds, we were all deeply asleep again. Thankfully, Talin had set an alarm. It went off mid-morning, and none of us had come close to stirring yet.

"Fuck," Ela groaned. "Shower's mine. I'll share, but if I'm going to be seen with our Baroness, then I have got to smell better."

"Go with him, Nari," Talin said. "I'll clean up my beard and shower when you're done."

Wraythe just grunted something that sounded like, "Wake me up later."

Ela chuckled. "That kid wore his ass out. I think we're getting old."

"Not even close," I assured them as I headed in to pee before the guys took over the entire bathroom.

While Ela was working on his clothes and I was painting my face, Talin managed to get us some breakfast. That was just enough energy for the four of us to get ready on time. Considering that tonight's dates were from the top of society, that meant even our guardians had to look respectable. When Wraythe stepped out of the bedroom, I decided that I approved of this style very much.

His pants were so tight they looked like they'd been painted on. His boots were tall, like most fashionable gentlemen, and his shirt, vest, and jacket were all perfectly tailored. All of it was black, but the subtle patterns on the fabric kept it from appearing too stark. With the chain of his pocket watch, the man looked like he was some prince from a far-off land.

"Wow," I breathed.

Wraythe ducked his head and smiled. "Ela made me get some new suits."

"Ela is a good man," I said, nodding to show I approved. "Talin, I think you've been shown up."

Ela stepped out, looking at Wraythe, then himself. "Asshole," he grumbled, adjusting his cravat to lay properly. "Now I want to peel that off and lick you all over."

"Everyone needs dreams," Wraythe assured him.

Talin, however, looked a little less impressive. That worked, since my date was a priest. Yes, a priest of the temple hosting today's festivities, and one from the Path of the Word, but that did not compare to a Baroness. Besides, Wraythe deserved to be the one drawing all eyes for once.

When we made it down to the front entrance to meet our dates, Maela was waiting with Saval. The two women were sitting on the edge of the statue of Zeal, talking softly with big smiles on their faces. A few others were mingling in the area, but we were just early enough that most people - either priests or patrons - hadn't arrived yet.

"Lady Ranndor," Ela said in greeting.

Maela stood. "So, it appears that my husband is otherwise occupied today. A trip to the country, it seems. I asked if I could borrow you, and Saval approv..." Her words trailed off as her eyes landed on Wraythe. "You look..."

"Good?" Ela offered.

"And terrifying, intimidating, handsome, massive..." She nodded. "All of that. I've never even noticed that your eyes are green before now, but that black certainly makes them stand out."

"Thank you," Wraythe mumbled, the words barely intelligible.

And his cheeks were getting darker. The big guy was actually blushing! Oddly, it looked pretty good on him. Maela also noticed, so she stepped up to take his hand, dipping her head so he had to look at her.

"It's a compliment, Priest Wraythe. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'm just the guardian," he reminded her. "You're supposed to notice Ela."

"Oh, and I do, but I also notice when my friends look nice," she promised. "I will enjoy showing off my escorts today, I think. Shall we?"

"You good, Nari?" Ela asked.

I nodded. "Yep. I'll see all of you over there, I'm sure."

Maela lifted her hand in a wave, took Ela's arm, and then headed up the stairs, clearly intending to take the shortcut through the Temple of Temptation to reach the festival. I made my way over to Saval.