His smile was all the answer I needed. He clearly had. "Because Cormak won't feel betrayed by his wife's attraction to women, he'll be willing to stand up for a woman's right to rule her own life. If she is allowed to say what she thinks, then their little bakery will quickly become a cafe. That cafe will be a meeting place for women pushing to change the society they live in. Men will hear about it and come to demand that there's nothing wrong with men loving men. Others will come to try to stop them, but a man like Cormak isn't easily intimidated."

"And your followers get a little more peace in their lives," I realized.

Zeal nodded. "We can't see the future, Ela, but we can work for it. We can also use our priests in the most subtle of ways."

I just looked up at him, meeting those eyes. "Then use me, Zeal. Use me as hard as you want. Just make sure you remind Nari that there's more to being your Chosen than giving to you."

He cupped my cheek, letting his thumb slide across my face. "You're strong enough now. Help Talin get there? Push him at Anver? We're a good team."

"And Nari?" I pressed.

Zeal smiled. "I think she's going to come home late tonight. Talin needs to get a very dirty idea. One that will remind him that sometimes breaking the rules can be fun." Zeal murmured pleasantly. "It feels good to be a god again."

I just leaned into his hand. "Thank you. I know you're still taking care of us, and if we're supposed to appreciate our blessings today, then you're what I'm thankful for."

Zeal's response was just to kiss me, but his fingers were a bit too tight and his grip insistent, almost like he never wanted to let go.