"Not looking to fall in love," Cormak said.

I took a long, slow sip of my drink. "Funny how that works out. She's not looking to sleep with a man. Her tastes run more to curvaceous women, it seems. Sadly, those things aren't done outside the temples."

"They're done in the temples?" he asked.

I just chuckled. "Yes, sir. We cater to all sexual desires." I looked over at him. "Including the ones that are purely physical. No shame and no judgment from us. We also have men who love men and women who love women."

"Poor girl," Cormak mumbled. "It's got to be hard."

"Bet it would be easier with a friend," I mentioned as casually as I could.

"Her father hates me," he countered.

I shrugged. "So? She isn't really worried about what he thinks. He's worried she's never going to go away. I bet a 'dock worker' is a lot better a year from now than nothing."

He tossed back his drink. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to spend time with her. She might even let Kaidan walk with us."

"If nothing else, it would give him something to look forward to," I agreed.

"I owe her for being 'killed' by my boy earlier." He leaned over his knees. "How do I mention something like that without seeming rude?"

"Her preferring women?" I asked. "Just tell her that it's nice to have a friend, you know she's not interested in men for more than that, and that you have no intention of replacing your wife in your heart and mind. Then tell her that you simply like having an adult around to talk to."

"More than you can imagine," he chuckled. "Thank you for the drink, Priest Eladehl."

"Not a problem," I assured him, smiling when the man stood, tossed his cup into the trash, and made a straight line for Rolena.

Nari saw as well, so she ended their dance. Cormak moved in to take her place, and our dates swirled off together. I was smiling at them, so I almost missed the handsome blonde man making a straight line for my partner. Almost. I looked over just as he grabbed Nari from behind, lifting her feet up in a surprise hug.

She squealed in surprise, and I was on my feet. Wraythe spun, allowing Kaidan to whack him in the back, but Talin just laughed. That was enough to let all of us relax. Still, not knowing who the hell was grabbing my girl, I stormed over to give this man a piece of my mind.

"Cesyr!" Nari huffed, slapping his chest playfully. "Where are your robes?"

"I'm in a blue shirt!" he insisted.

Which was when I noticed his blue-marked hands. A priest. Wait. Cesyr? I made it to her side just as the pieces fit together.

"Your brother?" I asked Nari.

"The second oldest," she agreed. "Cesyr, this is Eladehl, my partner." Then she pointed. "The big guy sparring with the boy? That's Wraythe, his guardian."

"Shit on a shingle, he's big," Cesyr breathed, turning to look at me. "What the hell is he supposed to protect you from, the temple falling?"

"It's more my patrons from me," I admitted. "Punisher."

"One of those sexually abusive types?" Nari's brother asked. "Has to be hard. I can imagine the rumors that go with that are annoying to deal with." Then he offered his hand. "Nice to meet the guy that's sleeping with my sister."

"Nice to meet a brother who isn't trying to act like I'm not."

I liked this guy immediately. Yes, he was definitely a Priest of Compassion, but it worked for him. He also looked nothing at all like his sister.

Cesyr just turned back to Nari. "The rest of us are mingling around the games. Xak's still locked in his primary wing, but Kynsana's here for the first time. Want to come introduce your friends?"

"Can't," Nari said. "I'm actually in a session."

Cesyr's eyes narrowed, jumped over to me, then back to where Wraythe and Talin were running in circles with the young boy. I could almost see the wheels turning in the man's mind.

"With a kid?"