Chapter 52


The day turned to night, and our groups forgot to split back up. At one point, Wraythe hefted Kaidan to his shoulders. Cormak tried to insist the boy was too big for such things, but Wraythe promised he was still bigger. When Rolena tsked at the man for being a stick in the mud, Cormak claimed a toy sword and challenged her to a fight.

The two were quickly becoming friendly, even if nothing between them seemed romantic. Still, it allowed the rest of us to enjoy ourselves completely. Talin kept losing focus, turning to mumble to his shoulder. I was just starting to worry about him when I realized the problem was me. Whoever he was talking to was someone I couldn't see.

"Nari?" I asked, tilting my head that way.

She smiled. "It's Bode, and he seems very intent on Talin. I'm used to them always seeking me out first, but Bode hasn't even smiled at me yet."

"Here's hoping we don't have to drag his ass back to Temptation," I joked before flicking my finger at Wraythe. "And those two are adorable. I bet he would've made an amazing father."

"He makes a better priest," Nari told me. "I bet you would've been a good dad too."

"Me?" I scoffed at the idea. "No, Nari. I would've lost my temper too easily."

"Like Cormak?" she countered. "He's an angry man, but never to his son. He's strict, but he seems to be fair. The boy adores him."

I smiled down at my shoes. "Yeah, I could live with that. So, is he really a dock worker like Rolena's father said?"

"In truth, I don't know," Nari admitted. "I know the man needs something, but I'm not sure what."

Which gave me an idea. "Want to trade for a bit? You be scandalous with Rolena, and I'll feel out your guy? Talin and Wraythe seem to be handling the boy pretty well."

"They're having fun," Nari agreed, stepping away. "Just don't let Cormak set you off, ok? He's had a hard life. I'm going to dance too close to your date."

"Which is why I love you," I assured her, shifting over to claim one of the many benches placed around the area.

When a vendor passed by with drinks, I waved her over. The girl was young, clearly working for her parents, but she had quite the selection. I was just trying to choose when Cormak claimed the spot beside me.

"Want one?" I offered. "I'll buy if you can help me decide."

The man grunted, then pointed at something with a cinnamon stick peeking from the top. "Spiced apple cider," he explained.

"Two?" I asked, looking at him.

"I won't refuse," he admitted.

So the girl gave us two, I paid her a little too much, then leaned back with a sigh. "This is a lot more fun than I expected. They said a festival, and I had visions of too many prayers and not as much dancing."

Cormak chuckled. "That is not what I'd expect a priest to say."

"Temptation," I reminded him. "We do specialize in debauchery. What about you? What do you do with your life?"

He pushed out a huff of air. "I work in a textile factory, moving the bolts of cloth to stack for shipping. No, I'm not a dock worker, but it's not far off." He paused to take a sip of his drink. "I want to be a baker, though. I keep trying to save up, but every time I start to get ahead, something happens. Last month, our roof started leaking. Now, I'm working extra shifts to make up what I borrowed."

"It's like you get kicked in the balls just when you think you're getting your head above water," I agreed. "Kaidan looks happy, though."

"I'm probably going to have to surrender him."

The words hung there between us. He didn't try to soften it or make excuses, and I didn't honestly know what to say to that. I'd never been a parent to understand, but I also wasn't going to shame this guy for being willing to do the right thing.

"Would you be a good baker?" I asked instead.

Cormak smiled. "Yeah. My dad ran a bakery. I still have all the recipes, and I know a place where both high society and the working class would both pass by. Morning and afternoon would get people heading to and from work, but all day and evening I could cater to the ladies wanting to gossip with their friends. I've got it all figured out, just need a few thousand gold for the supplies." He grunted. "For me, that's basically the cost of a house."

I almost let that go, but the sight of Zeal leaning casually against the tree across from us changed my mind. "You know," I said, watching my god to see if I was right. Zeal nodded, proving I was. "Rolena's family is offering a large dowry to any man willing to take her off their hands. Seems she likes your boy, so courting her might not be a bad idea."