"No," I admitted. "I know this is more than simple coincidence, but that's all."

Bode just pointed at the dates. "That woman wants to own her own life. That man needs someone to teach him how to enjoy life. That child deserves a woman who will encourage him to enjoy life, not just fight against it. Her family is so desperate to get her settled that they have a very large dowry. Money that would give him a second chance at life. It would let him understand happiness."

"Ok?" I asked, turning to look at the god. "But I thought you couldn't see the future."

"Just nudge, tempt, and encourage those who pray," Bode agreed. "So, encourage, Talin. And while you're at it, dance with that priestess. Stop trying to be the Baron's brother for a moment, and learn a lesson from this. Even gods play, my priest. Enjoy the blessings we offer, because if you don't, we'll give them to someone else."

Then he was gone, but I found my lips were curled into a smile. This was supposed to be a session. I'd gotten it stuck in my mind that Nari and Ela had to earn their grade, but I was wrong. If I could join in with that session they had with Peyron, then why couldn't we bend the rules here? I had lace for all five Paths too.

So, letting out a whistle, I caught Wraythe's attention. "Hey, can you watch them?"

"Can do," Wraythe agreed.

Turning, I ran back across the festivities, looking for that shop again, the one with the toy swords. When I found it, I bought three more. I'd lived a very blessed life. Today, I intended to make sure I enjoyed it. I'd all but dared Bode to help the father, but it seemed that he and Zeal had already been working on it. Nudges. Simple nudges that made our lives better, and I was no longer going to fight against it.

Nope, I was going to spar with a little boy, defeat my own partner a few times, and at some point I would ask Nari to dance. I'd been blessed, and Bode had just rubbed my nose in it. Thankfully, I could be taught.