"You love me," she insisted.

I let my head tilt to the side and lifted a brow. "Why would I do that? Because I want to fuck you? Still asexual."

"Then why are you here?!" she shrieked.

Nari was right. Her voice did reach a very annoying octave. I honestly hadn't noticed, because her attitude usually had me giving in before she could have a tantrum. It was just easier, I'd told myself, and now I was paying the price for that.

"I'm here because they like totalkto me," I said. "Because these are my friends, and they care about what I want as much as what they do. You? It's supposed to all be about you, all the time, which is why no one likes you. You're selfish. You're shallow. You're also a liar, and being with Ciella doesn't impress anyone. She lost her power in the seventh year of our primary training, but you're so busy being desperate for any scraps that you didn't notice." I turned her to the door. "Go home. If you need me again, you'd better send a Priest of Obligation, because if you come here, I will let them do what they want to you."

The stupid girl immediately looked at Ela when I said that. How many years had she been lusting after him? Probably from the moment she first saw him. She didn't even seem to care that he hated her. She certainly didn't mind that he was willing to treat her like shit, or that he'd hurt her in the one session they'd had together.

No, all Tishlie knew was that Ela was a beautiful man, possibly the most attractive in the temple, and she longed for a piece of that glory. She didn't even like him, so I wasn't sure how she could be turned on by him, but she was. It seemed that sexual attraction was even more fucked up than I'd guessed.

I also hated her for it. I hated that she was shallow. I hated that she was so willing to use people! Once, I'd thought I was helping her. I'd convinced myself she was a delicate little damsel in distress, but I'd been wrong. Tishlie wasn't the victim. She was the villain, terrorizing my friends and not caring if she hurt me in the process. In other words, I was done with her.

"Anver, we have to turn in my specialty," Tishlie finally said. "Saval expects every Priest of the Body to bring their guardian so she can determine if we both understand the options I'm choosing. She has toapprove it,Anver. That means you have to come."

"Then I'll come," I assured her, because she was still my ward. "Tomorrow morning. I'll collect you at your room before lunch, and we'll make sure you're declared."

"But what if they fill up?"

Ela groaned. Nari pressed her hand to her face. However, when I heard Zeal moan in exasperation, I knew it was bad. Did Tishlie even have two brain cells to rub together? And what did she mean, "fill up?" This was a declaration of sexual specialization! The temple wouldn't force someone to fake a kink they didn't really have. It sorta made the patrons upset - not to mention our god.

"There's no limit on spaces," I assured her. "Saval told me that. You're fine. Go home, eat dinner, fill out the paperwork, and then spend the night with Ciella. After all, if you're going to declare her as your partner, you need to make sure the new instructors actually believe you two are attracted to each other."

She grunted at me. "Just because we're both women - "

"Has nothing to do with it," I said before she could start ranting about something else. "Nari and Ela had to prove it too, but they had years in primary together. That means holding hands, Tish. It means doing more than sitting together to gossip about every priest in the temple. It means being something more than just 'friends.'" Because I wasn't honestly sure they were even that close.

"Fine," she said, turning for the door. "But don't think I won't tell the new Protection instructor that you don't guard me."

"Please do," I said, hurrying to open the door so she wouldn't have to stop.

And on the other side was a Priest of Obligation with his hand raised to knock. Tishlie didn't care about him or his wheeled cart full of food. She pushed past it, making the entire cart rock. I reached out to grab a corner. The priest holding it looked up at Nari as if hoping for a hint as to what he should do. Thankfully, my bratty ward just kept going.

Nari let out an exhausted sigh. "Anver, would you let Drandir come in? Thank you, Priest. Sorry about the idiot."

"I get the impression she's not a fan," the guy joked as he pushed the cart in. "You want this at the table?"

"Please," Nari said.

But the Priest of Obligation, who seemed to be someone Nari knew, looked over at Zeal. "I only have orders for Nari, Eladehl, Wraythe, Talin, and Anver." Then he turned to me. "Which I think is you." And back to Zeal. "Should I get you something?"

"You..." Nari grabbed his shoulders. "You can see Zeal?"

The plate Drandir had just lifted clattered back to the tray.