Because Talin was following silently behind us as we made our way out of the gathering crowd and toward the walkway that led to the Temple of Intuition.

"I don't know," Cormak said. "Who is the guy, priestess?"

"That is my guardian," I explained, directing my comments to Kaidan. "His name is Talin, and his job is to make sure that people don't hurt me."

"Must be nice," Cormak grumbled. "Have your own bodyguard and everything. I knew priests were spoiled, but isn't this a little excessive? It's a family gathering!"

"And men often forget that not everyone is as strong as them," I countered. "He's here to makeyoustop, Cormak, in the event that I can't."

The man spun, stepping into my face. "I wouldnevertreat a lady that way!"

"And how would I know that?" I shot back. "So far, all you've done is snap and scream at me. Your child looks terrified. It's clear you hate me, but I haven't done a single thing to deserve that."

"No?" he asked. "But you stand here in your fancy clothes, trailing around your expensive bodyguard, when I can't even make enough to take my son to the festival." He leaned a little closer. "So you know, out in the real world, we aren't just handed everything."

"Soyouknow," I countered, "when I was surrendered to the temple, I hadn't eaten in two days. I'd never owned my own shoes. I didn't know what soap was. Yes, I remember those things, sir. I also know just how hard you work, because we do the same. My duty is to allow men like you to beat your frustration out on me, and my 'bodyguard,' as you call him, is here to make sure you stop before I die. So, if you want to talk about hardships, I'm more than willing to explain how I just found my siblings after twelve years. I'm happy to let you know about how fancy clothes don't make up for missing my father or finding out years later that my mother's gone. Do you want to compare hardships, or would you prefer that I use a little bit of the power I have as a priestess to get your son into the elite section of this festival?"

Cormak's eyes widened and he leaned away from my vehemence. "You can't understand."

"No," I agreed. "It's often easier if you tell me, and I am willing to listen, but how about we make sure Kaidan can taste a candy apple first, ok?"

"You're going to get him in?" he asked.

I reached up to take his arm. "I'm not sure how yet, but I will. Little boys deserve a little fun."

When we started walking again, I noticed that Talin's hand was resting on the hilt of his sword. He wasn't tense, but he was ready, and his silence made it clear that he did not like this man. I didn't blame him, but I also had a feeling I knew where Cormak was coming from.

Soon enough, we reached the Temple of Intuition. A pair of Priestesses in yellow robes stood at the entrance, greeting those who came in and pointing directions for anyone who was lost. It was still early enough that it wasn't crowded, but quiet was not a word I'd use. People mingled. Most were smiling, and once we made it into the temple, there were trays of food and drinks everywhere, along with a steady flow of people heading toward the back.

Kaidan immediately rushed over to grab a candy from a tray. "Boy!" Cormak snapped. "Don't take without asking."

"Sorry, Da." The boy turned to me. "May I?"

I gestured to his father. "That's his decision, kiddo."

"It's... free?" Cormak asked.

"It is," I assured him. "The Day of Blessing is to appreciate what we've been given and to share it with others. Food and fun are two of the easiest."

"Just one," Cormak told his son. "And you stick near me, ok?"

"Ok, Da!"

So I turned the man toward the stairs. "The temples are made of many levels. The front is set a little lower to encourage our patrons to mingle here. It's a half floor up to what we call the first floor. It's also a half floor down to what's referred to as the basement. Our kitchens and service areas are down there."

"Who works those?" he asked.

"Priests," I explained. "Each temple has five Paths. The top, and most sought after, is the Path of the Word." I touched the collar around my throat to make him look at my lace. "They will be marked by their god's pattern across the front of their chest. We call it a collar."

"So, you're on that Path?"

"No," I admitted. "Below the Path of the Word is the Path of Protection, which is what my guardian is on. Beside that, and of equal rank, is the Path of the Body. For Intuition, that's the Path of the Mind. It's Spine for Ambition, Heart for Compassion, and so on. This is the Path that most people outside the temples know."

"So that's your Path," Cormak decided.

I chuckled. "Actually, I'm an anomaly. I'm on the Path of Temptation because I have all five. Action and Obligation are the other two. They serve the temples themselves, allowing us to operate. No one has ever had five Paths before, and I'm not exactly the best priestess, so it's not a reward. I've received more classes, more duties, and more criticism because of it."

While we talked, I led Cormak and his son down the main hall, toward the very back of the temple. There, all the doors were thrown open. Beyond, tents and patrons in fancy clothes could be seen passing by. The sound of music wafted in, making it clear that was where the real fun was happening.