"Not to fuck," I clarified for Ela, because someone had to say it. I was also the only one at this table who wasn't ruled by sexual desire.

The beautiful asshole looked at me and sneered. "You're no fun."

"Liar," I shot back. "You love having an audience, and I'm the master of that."

That earned me a smile, and it was a beautiful look on Ela's face. I didn't want to admit it out loud, but I missed this. The gentle teasing, the way they accepted my lack of sexuality so easily but didn't act like it made me broken. And then there was the best part. The love. The friendship. Whatever this feeling was called that made me believe I belonged with them, no one else had ever made me feel this way.

"Ela's just in a mood because his crush from primary years is back," Wraythe said. "But seriously, back to the sex with gods thing. Does it go both ways, Zeal? Is fucking you as bad as being fucked by you?"

"Not exactly," Zeal said. "As you saw, oral sex pushes the boundaries. The lines that appeared on Nari's skin - or Talin's when I healed him - are mine. Certain acts are less invasive, and thus less dangerous. So, receiving is less damaging than penetrating. That's why goddesses are often seen as kinder and gentler."

"And because they probably take fewer mortal lovers?" I guessed.

Zeal looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. "Not even close. My sisters enjoy the pleasures of a man. Without mortals, the options are rather limited and a bit incestuous. Not our kink."

"Good to know!" Talin laughed just as a tap came at the door.

"Dinner," I said, pushing my chair back. "I'll get that."

Behind me, they continued on about sex. I heard Zeal saying something about sucking dicks and just tuned it out. I had no interest. Granted, I wouldn't mind watching Zeal with any of them, but the idea of doing it myself did nothing for me. I'd rather spend hours talking to them - any of them - than grunting and thrusting blindly.

The tap came again just as I reached the door. It took only a second to release the lock, and then I pulled it open, expecting to see a Priest of Obligation on the other side with a tray for our meals. Instead, it was Tishlie. The moment the door was wide enough, she shoved at it, forcing it out of my hands - and the idiot just walked on in.

"Is this where you've been?" Tishlie demanded, looking around Nari and Ela's suite. "I knew it!"

"And it's none of your fucking business," I told her, grabbing her arm to pull her back out.

But the moment I pulled, she spun, slapping me across the face with her open hand. The pain stung, but I could ignore that. The anger that came on its heels, however, I couldn't.

"Tish - "

I didn't get to finish before Nari was on her. Grabbing Tishlie by the throat, Nari shoved her against the open wall beside the door, and then she punched. Tishlie screamed in pain the moment Nari's fist met her cheek, and both hands came up to cover her face. It was enough to make Nari pause, which let me pull Tishlie out of her grasp.

"This is their home," I snapped at the idiot I'd been bound to. "You're a fucking entitled little bitch thinking you can walk into someone else's room and demand anything." Just for good measure, I shook her to make the point. "These? They're my friends. I'm allowed to have them, just like you are."

"I needed you!" she whimpered.

"Doubtful," Talin grumbled, proving Nari wasn't the only one who'd headed over.

"Did you not learn the first time?" Ela asked. "I tried to be gentle, but you do not get to take my toys without paying a price."

"Anver's not yours!" Tishlie yelled at him. "He's mine! Zeal gave him to me! That's why he has the marks on his back."

"It's really not," Nari grumbled.

But that made Tishlie's head snap over so she could glare at her. "You let him go."

"No!" Nari snarled. "You stole him away with lies. He might be your guardian, but he's still myfriend.I still hate you, and enough tonotstop Ela next time. You're so fucking brainless that your pussy makes your decisions, and we both know you'd give in if he asked." Then she leaned closer. "Not sexy, Tishlie."

"Like you'd know," Tishlie huffed back.

Knowing this wasn't going to be over anytime soon, I nudged the door closed. Not for them. No, that was for me. I didn't want everyone up and down the hall hearing about my problems with my ward. One of them might just report it to the priests in charge of our training - or worse, the High Priest himself.

"That's enough," I said, silencing all of them. "Tish, what do you want badly enough to come over here? I had dinner sent to your room already."

"It's not there yet," she told me, her attitude dripping from the words. "I figured you'd forgotten about me again, since you did all summer. They finally give us a few months without constant classes, and what do you do? You forget all about me!"

"No, I try to do that every day," I assured her. "I mean, why would I care about you?"