"Seems that's something else your family has in common," Talin said, turning to smile at me. "Wouldn't surprise me at all if the reason Merci had Zeal tempt them here today is because she's hoping you'll convince one of them to be her Chosen."

"That's her choice, not mine," I reminded him.

Talin just lifted a brow. "The gods are picking someone foryouto work with, Nari. Peyron? Savi knew you'd talk to him. Your siblings? Merci's probably counting on you to push them to believe. They want to live, so why wouldn't she name a Chosen that you're excited to see again?"

"What does this Chosen priest do?" Cesyr asked.

Talin shrugged. "We're not sure."

"It's more that there isn't a list of duties," I corrected. "They just need someone to speak for them. Someone willing to be laughed at because they believe the gods are real and tangible. The whole point is to make people talk, because the more they talk about their gods, the more they think about them, which makes all the little things make more sense until a few start to believe. Then, it spreads. Priest by priest, they learn to see her, until she's strong enough to leave her temple and walk through Calseth again."

"Chosen or not," my brother said, "we'll do it. Xak can tell the kids in his class, Kyns can talk to the initiates, and the two of us will handle the rest."

"I'll talk to the High Priest," Jeerad said. "He'll be thrilled to know that we have a tie to this miraculous priestess from Temptation."

"I'm not miraculous," I groaned.

Jeerad just leaned in. "You had a Path made just for you, companions pulled onto it when you needed help, and gods greeting you in halls. What are those things if not miracles, Nari? Small miracles, like you said, but that doesn't make them any less impressive. And when you need a place to hide, Compassion will always offer shelter."

My breath fell out in a rush and I just nodded. "Thank you. All of you. I didn't even realize how much I'd missed you, but I've spent the last twelve years chasing my family - and you were all right here."