"What Path?" Xakiri asked. "Wait, they're not the same as ours."

"Heart and Body are parallel," Jeerad told him. "The rest are the same. The duties differ, but the Paths are named the same."

"I'm hoping for Heart," Xakiri bragged. "Already declared and everything. Figure it runs in the family."

"I'm Word," Jeerad told me. "The rest all got Heart, and Xak finds out next summer. What about you? If you're not on the Path of the Body, how'd you get a guardian?"

"I'm on the Path of Temptation," I said. "I have all of them." My heart began racing again, but I'd already made it this far. "I also talk to the gods. Zeal calls me his Chosen, and Merci just led me here."

"How?" Cesyr asked.

I had to swallow to make my voice work. "The descendants of the first priestess were given the ability."

He just bobbed his head in a slow nod. "So we're right. Papa isn't responsible for all of us." The way he said that made me think it had been talked about quite a bit among the four of them.

"No," I admitted. "Just me."

Kynsana just patted the table beside her. "But you're still our sister. Pull up a chair and introduce us to your friend. Family is family, and it sounds like we just got a new brother, if he's bound to you. Nice to meet you, new brother."

Talin grabbed a pair of chairs and moved them in. "And you were worried, Nari. They're Priests of Compassion. Of course they'd welcome you back."