The goddess was more sedate than the other gods I'd met so far. Unlike Savi, her hair was soft, falling in gentle waves to her shoulders. The color was darker, like rich walnut. Her skin was a bit cooler-toned than Zeal's, but her eyes were the same. They had that kaleidoscope quality that made them easy to fall into, yet where Zeal's always made me think grey first, Merci's leaned to the browner tones.

"She's definitely Zeal's sister," I told Talin. "Taller than Savi, just as perfect, and probably covered in blue marks."

She parted her robes to show me the organic shapes that crawled across her skin like the remnants of water drops and leaf imprints. "We all carry our souls with us." Then she turned to Maela. "And so you know, taking your place as the Baroness of Temptation does not lessen my pride or love for you. This is proof of your compassion, even if it's based in your own temptation."

"Thank you, Merci," Maela breathed, standing awestruck as if unsure what to do. "Should I curtsey or something?"

"No!" Merci laughed. "We're just gods, Maela. We have power over small things, like everyone else. I'm also not strong enough to smite anyone." She reached out to catch Maela's hand. "But you help. I also know you're here to speak to Nariana's siblings. Come, I'll show you to the dining area. Zeal helped me gather them together."

"So he knows I'm here?" I asked.

"And I'm just going to follow like a shadow," Talin said, gesturing for us to lead on. "Fill me in later, Nari?"

"Nari," Merci repeated. "That does suit you better than the full name. Do you mind?"

"Not at all," I assured her.

"And yes," she went on, "Zeal always knows what you do. My brother has never been so obsessed with anything in his life. For a decade, he debated which Path to put you on. He says giving you all of them was his price, but I think he was merely looking for an excuse."

As she spoke, Merci led us through the halls, aiming for the general direction of where our Priests of the Body had our dining hall. Maela followed her easily, and I was the one looking around in awe. The doors to the living areas were closer together, but not as much as I'd expected. Still, the decoration along the ceiling was identical. It was almost disorienting, but the splashes of blue around us helped remind me I wasn't at home.

"My High Priest is excited about you, you know," Merci said, catching my attention again. "Zeal said the lace would get attention, and it seems to be working. Some of our temples are led by those who honestly want to find us again. Sadly, Temptation is not one. Ambition is even worse."

"I'm not surprised," I admitted.

"So no one can see you?" Maela asked.

"A few can," Merci admitted. "I think I have four now, although they aren't quite sure of what they're seeing. Yes, Maela, I'm counting you in that number."

"Then what do people see?" she asked.

Merci paused at a large doorway, turning to the Baroness with a smile. "They see you walking beside Nari with her guardian following. They assume the two of you are speaking to each other. Anything that doesn't make sense, they ignore as a unique mannerism or strange gesture. We've gotten good at protecting the ones who still believe. Having them accused of insanity wouldn't help us at all."

"Which makes a sad sort of logic," Maela agreed. "How do I help you?"

"Help Temptation," Merci told her. Then she turned to me. "The table at the side with four priests? Three young men and a woman. The older have stayed close with the younger, and it seems they had an urge to share a meal today. You and your guardian are welcome to stay as long as you want." Her eyes shifted back to Maela. "While they do this, we can talk. The nave should be quiet."

Merci didn't give Maela a chance to respond before she turned my friend away and led her back up the hall. My feet still didn't move. Talin stepped forward to rub my back reassuringly.

"You've made it this far, beautiful," he pointed out. "Just take a deep breath and make it happen. I will be right beside you the whole way."

I let my eyes close, pulled in a long breath, and then forced it out. Opening my eyes, I made my legs move, refusing to show how nervous I was about this. I didn't care if most people hated me, but these were my siblings. We'd been born under the same roof and had spent the first part of our lives together.

When I got closer, a blonde-haired man looked up, his eyes narrowing as he watched me. The girl across from him turned to see what had his attention. I recognized them. I could put names with their grown faces. My heart felt like it could finally beat again, and each step became easier.

"Priestess?" the next-oldest man asked, his words a tentative greeting.

"Jeerad," I breathed, positive it was him.

His mouth parted in surprise, and the blonde guy jumped to his feet. "Nariana?"

"Cesyr. And you have to be Kynsana, which means he's Xakiri."

"Nariana!" Kynsana gasped, lurching forward to jump out of her chair and hug me. "We've wondered where you went!"

"Looks like Temptation," Cesyr drawled, turning to look at Talin. "And I'm going to guess she's a Priestess of the Body?"

"She's not," Talin assured him. "I am her guardian, though."