"Ok," I relented. "When do you want to do this?"

She smiled. "What are you doing tomorrow? If your siblings are still in classes, they won't hold them on the weekend, right?"

My heart stalled. I felt like I couldn't quite catch my breath. I wasn't ready for this, I really wasn't, but she was right. While I tried to think of something to say, Talin reached up and gently rubbed my back, making it clear that he'd support any decision I made.

It was the dark green eyes across the table that made up my mind. Wraythe had made good points last night, even if I couldn't remember them exactly. He'd said something about Talin and Yamina being close. He'd talked about Ela wanting to quiz his mother. He'd also asked me when I would be ready.

Never. I didn't want to do this. I wanted it to already be over. The idea of telling my siblings why I was different made me feel like I was suffocating. How was I supposed to explain that to them? What were the chances they'd believe me? Never mind my lace, my ability to see gods, and everything else.

But I'd feel the same next weekend and again the one after that. I knew it because I'd spent almost twelve years now putting this off for later. It hadn't helped, and if anything, the years made it feel even more impossible. If I'd asked about them when I was little, then they wouldn't ask what had taken so long. If I waited another year, it would only be worse.

"Ok," I breathed, nodding to make sure she caught my answer.

"Noon," Maela told me. "Dress conservatively, but like a Priestess of Temptation. Don't be afraid to show your lace. I'll meet you in the front of your temple, and we can walk over to Compassion together, ok?"

"And I'll be right there with you," Talin promised softly.

I just nodded. "Ok. I'm scared to death, but I know I need to do this, so I will."

Maela smiled at me sweetly. "Yeah, and I'm going to be the same soon. If you can do this, Nari, then I will talk to the High Priest. I'll make an appointment to see him."

I tried to smile but couldn't. "I'm going to hold you to that," I warned her.

She just lifted a hand, waving down one of the servers. "Can we get a little something for my companion? I think she needs a dash for her constitution."

"Yes, Baroness," the server agreed. "Something gentle?"

"No," she told him. "Something to make her feel a little more brave, but not enough to make her stupid."

I chuckled as the guy left. "And to think, you used to be the soft and gentle one."

"I had a friend show me that sometimes strength doesn't mean crass. It can be beautiful and wrapped in soft fabrics. I'm just paying you back, Nari," she assured me. "It's what family does."