Chapter 44


Islept fitfully that night, alternating between dreams of my siblings laughing at me or hugging me. That was why I woke up late the next morning. I could remember getting up to talk to Wraythe, but not exactly what I'd said. That was ok, though, because I knew the general gist of it. I also knew he was right. I'd never be ready unless I made myself do this. Just like Maela.

Speaking of Talin's sister-in-law, she was supposed to meet us for a quiet tea. I thought about canceling because I was still reeling with all the subtle revelations, but I also wanted to tell Amerlee and Jamik what had happened - and this would be my best chance. They deserved to know I'd seen my father.

This time, we weren't meeting at the front of the temple. Amerlee had set up a reservation at a nice tea house in town. It wasn't far, but it also wasn't right beside the temple. With Tath being so upset about his wife's friends, it was easier to meet her there. This way, her driver could honestly say where they'd gone, even if the man wasn't likely to say who she'd met with.

The four of us left a little early so we could walk there in time. Outside, the weather was cool and verging on cold. Autumn had arrived. Soon, the snow would come quickly. We were almost two months into this year of classes, and I felt like it was flying past.

It took less than half an hour to make it to the tea house. When we walked in, Amerlee and Jamik were sitting at a large oval table all alone. I smiled at the pair of them, and Ela led me to a seat. Acting like the perfect gentleman, he held it out, then guided it back in before taking his place across from me. Talin claimed the seat to my right this time, which left Jamik on my left. Amerlee sat on his other side.

"How'd the sessions go?" she asked, looking between me and Ela.

"Mine was easy," Ela assured her.

That made Amerlee turn to me. Beside her, Jamik's brow furrowed. "And?" he asked.

"It was my father," I explained. "He'd tried to see me during my primary training and had been turned away, so he asked for a session, gave a false name so he couldn't be refused, and wanted to talk."

Amerlee let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, that's not so bad then."

I just kept going. "My mother was a whore."

"What?" Ela asked, sitting up straighter.

"Not officially," I explained. "She had sex with men in town for money. Sometimes, she got pregnant."

Before I could explain the rest of that, the staff around us began to move a little faster. Amerlee chuckled, then leaned back to look at the door. Sure enough, Maela Ranndor walked in, dressed just like the Baroness of Temptation. In the street outside was her carriage, the house symbol marked clearly for everyone to see.

"Can I help you, Baroness?" a server asked.

Maela just pointed to us. "I'm here to meet friends. Thank you." Then she headed our way. "Nari! How was the session?"

"Interesting," I admitted, standing to give her a hug in greeting. "You made quite the show today."

"Tath," she grumbled, turning to hug Amerlee from behind while my mentor was still sitting. "Don't stand on my account," she said softly. "I'm just glad to be out of the residence." Then she walked around to where Ela sat.

He stood and took her hand, bending over it like a suitor. "Baroness," he said, yet there was a note to his voice that made it feel a little playful.

"Stop," Maela giggled. "You'll make me blush."

"Just practicing my moves," he assured her. Then he reached for the empty chair between him and Amerlee. "Sit."

She did, and he guided her into place. Beside me, Jamik was nodding his approval. Wraythe smirked at his ward, knowing Maela wouldn't care. That left two empty chairs at our table, though. I had a feeling I knew who they were for.

"Shalsa and Irila are coming?"

"They hope," Amerlee said. "Shalsa had an assignment this morning. One she couldn't get out of without giving Maela away."

"Thiemo!" Maela guessed.

"We're not supposed to say," Amerlee teased, nodding her head to show Maela was right. "Seems you aren't the only one annoyed by Tath's mood lately."

"That man!" Maela groaned. "Half the time, Tath's trying to convince me just how bad the temple is. The other half, he's busy telling me I wouldn't understand. I've made it clear that I'm not going to stand by and let our family become a laughingstock to the rest of the peerage, but Tath will hear none of it."

"So are you going around him yet?" Ela asked.