Chapter 43


Ela's session was nice and easy. The woman he'd been assigned was cute and desperate for attention. The moment her eyes landed on Ela, she'd been completely entranced. He'd put on his best show, seducing her slowly, giving her time to enjoy all of his attention. When they'd finally fallen into bed, he'd brought her to climax more times than I could count.

I'd stopped trying at five, but just because her whimpering had started blurring together. Ela took that woman in every simple position he could try. Sitting, standing, forward, backwards, and more. He'd kissed the lines on her belly left from her pregnancies, whispering that she was beautiful. When he was finally done, I was pretty sure the poor woman couldn't walk straight.

It was late when we finished. Most of the rooms under the dome had already emptied. Ela made sure his patron was able to make it home easily enough, then we returned the key to Migard. He assured us that Nari had headed home a few hours before, and that she'd seemed fine. The best part, though, was how my ward smiled as we headed home.

Gone was the darkness in his eyes. He didn't sulk as if he was fighting off the monster in his mind. There was a lightness to his step as if he was proud of himself, but I wasn't about to call him on it. He deserved this. This was why he was such a good priest, and that woman would be more confident after her night with him.

But when we made it into our suite, the first thing I saw was Talin's sword on the couch. He didn't usually leave that lying around, so I picked it up and carried it to the bedroom. There, I saw why he'd dropped it. He and Nari lay entangled, naked, as if they'd found their own satisfaction. They were also sleeping deeply enough that neither one stirred, so after putting the weapons away, I leaned back into the living room and held a finger to my lips.

Ela saw and nodded. "Everything ok?"

"Looks like they had fun," I whispered.

He bent, standing back up with a pair of panties in his hand. "Mhm, I'd say that started the moment they were inside." Carrying those, he headed toward me. "Let them sleep. I'm going to have a shower and curl up next to them."

"Think Anver's ok?" I asked.

Ela smiled. "Yeah. I have a feeling he's just fine. I also think Tishlie's probably going to be moving slow tomorrow." He winked and then kept going to the bathroom.

I heard the shower start, so I made a lap around the main area of our suite, finding more discarded clothing. I could almost imagine her and Talin stripping each other, their mouths locked together. It made me wonder how her session had gone, though. Had she teased that old man, getting herself hot and bothered in the process? Had she laid under him, getting nothing from his moment of pleasure?

I could see that she was fine, but that wasn't the same as satisfied. Still, Talin would have taken care of her. He always did. Not just sexually, but mentally, emotionally, and every other way. That man loved her as much as I did. I smiled, thinking about the things that had crossed through in the moment with Zeal. It was almost like he'd given us a glimpse into what it was like to be a god, and any half-formed worry I might have had about the guys had been erased before I was even aware of them.

Eventually, Ela got out of the shower. I told him to crawl into bed and then took my turn. The hot water was nice, helping me to relax, but I wasn't quite ready to sleep yet. After getting out, I found a pair of soft pants and headed back into the living area. I wanted a tea, but that would not help me sleep. Instead, I went to the cabinet and pulled out the liquor Zeal had left for us.

With a small glass of that in my hand, I dropped onto the couch and leaned back. My eyes were focused on the dark wall across from me, but in my head, I was thinking about Anver. He deserved so much more than Tishlie. He'd explained to me about how Zeal wanted him to learn, and I understood that, but I still hated that he was suffering because that bitch had played us all as kids.

I didn't know how long I sat there, but the glass was mostly empty when the soft scuff of a foot made me look back. Nari was wearing one of my shirts - and nothing else. Well, since it fell to her knees, I couldn't be sure of that, but my girl looked so beautiful with her sleep mussed hair and my clothes.

"Hey, baby," I breathed.

A tired smile flickered across her lips as she made her way to the couch beside me. Without asking, she stole the glass from my hand and tossed back the rest. Then, she leaned in, curling up against my side and using my arm for her pillow.

I managed to get my arm out from between us and around her shoulders. She just used my chest to lean on instead, the feel of her delicate body against mine nice in a way I could never describe. She felt like she was mine when she did this. All mine. Just mine. Almost like the two of us were the only things that mattered in the world - for this moment.

"How'd your session go?" I asked, keeping my voice down so I wouldn't wake the guys.

"It was my dad," she said, sounding almost distracted.

"Wait, Jamik asked for a session? I didn't think that was allowed." Never mind the other issues with that.

She looked up at me. "No, the real one. My papa." She snuggled a little closer. "I didn't sleep with him. He wanted to talk. Said he asked for the session because it was the only way he could see if I was ok."

Shit, she meant the parent who'd surrendered her to the temple. Her "real" father, as if fucking her mother made him more important than all the things Jamik had done for her. I hated that term, but I didn't know a better one to use. So far as I cared, her real family was us - all of us - and the rest were just a part of the life she'd left behind.

"Did you forgive him?" I asked, not knowing what else to say.

"Long ago," she assured me. "The baby died, he said. Mama drank herself to death." She paused, and I thought that was it, but then she sighed. "He also said Mama sold herself to the men in town. Wraythe, my brothers with Compassion? They're not his."

"Ok?" I bent to kiss the top of her head. "How does that feel?"

"No," she said, sitting up and turning so she could face me. That put her backwards on the couch, but she was still curled up at my side. "Papa is the one who sees Zeal. I can because he can. They aren't his, so they can't see the gods. Don't you get it?That'swhy Zeal said he fought for me! That's why they're all waiting on me to do something." She paused, her brow furrowing. "And no one bothered to tell me. Not Zeal, not Savi - none of them."

Yeah, but I could see why. "And what would they have said?" I asked.