"If you don't give me a job, I'm going to come over there and suck your dick," Talin growled, the words clearly meant to be a threat.

"Then stick that dick in Zeal's mouth," Anver told him.

I heard the bottle of lube open. I felt Zeal stop moving just as Talin stepped beside me. I could feel all of us, our bodies so close together. Reaching out, my hand found Talin's ass, so I followed that up to the small of his back. The other was over my head, guiding Wraythe, pulling him slowly into my mouth.

I tried to focus on pleasing him, but I felt Zeal push into me as Ela's weight joined ours. The gasp of surprise meant that my partner had just realized what divinity truly meant. Then Talin groaned, the sound deep and filled with desire. He was now in Zeal's mouth.

The god began to move. Each time he pressed into my body, it pushed me higher, making it easier to swallow Wraythe. When he slid back, I knew he was taking more of Ela. Sliding off Wraythe so I could look, I found Talin grasping Zeal's shoulder while the god sucked him off. Zeal was in control, and yet he'd somehow made me the focus, and the moment we found our rhythm, the guys decided to do something about that.

Talin's hand found my breast, pinching the nipple on that side lightly. Zeal took the other, his palm sliding over the hardened peak. I could feel Ela's hand on my leg, using that for balance as he thrust into a god's ass, and Wraythe was holding onto the armrest as he gently thrust his way down my throat. We fucked, but I could feel so much more. With each rock of our bodies, the lines between us seemed to blur. I could feel them, their souls under my skin just a little more vivid than ever before.

As I slid my lips down Wraythe's length again, I began to feel a warmth from him. Not a physical warmth, but an emotional one, and it swelled in my chest. That was his love, an ever-present thing that kept me grounded. As Zeal did the same to Talin, the pleasure consumed me. Sensations I'd never imagined flowed under my skin. There was a power to Talin's need. A demand for his fair share, mixed with the awe of touching the divine. Then there was Ela, his darkness pushing him for more, harder, and faster even as his heart just wanted to hold on a little longer.

Like pieces of a puzzle, we locked together, snapped into place by our connection to Zeal. It didn't matter if we were touching him or not, because I could also feel Anver. From across the room, his eyes took in every shift of our bodies, enamored with the aesthetic of his lovers, but his desire felt so different from my own. It was an allure for him, but not carnal. His need was more mental than instinctual, as if he saw just a bit more than the rest of us.

The sensations felt as if they radiated from the lace on my body. More was spreading down my thighs and up my belly each time Zeal thrust. He felt so good. He felt safe, but I knew he wasn't. More than all of that, he felt like he was mine. They were all mine. This was what he'd meant when he promised me everything. I'd surrendered to him completely, refusing to hold back, and he'd repaid me with the kind of connection I'd assumed was impossible.

We were one. Locked together in love, writhing in pleasure. I rolled my hips, taking Zeal a little deeper. Wraythe pushed a bit more, forcing me to swallow around him. Talin leaned in to kiss Ela, and it was as if their love was a fire. It was so bright, so hot that it wanted to burn, but instead it felt good. All of this felt good in a way that one body couldn't quite reach on its own.

This was what it meant to be with a god. I'd experienced it before, but the awe from the guys felt like it was my own, flowing in my mind as well as theirs. This was the power of a god'slove, and Zeal made no effort to shield how much he cared about us. Somehow, we'd taught humanity to a god, and that made him even more impressive. It felt like it was proof of his power and control, but I wasn't scared of him.

I loved him.

This creature wasn't human. He was more than that. Everywhere he touched me felt like perfection sliding across my skin. Each time he thrust into me made me want to moan around Wraythe's dick. I was a god's tool - no, a god's lover - and it felt so good. Not just to me, but to all of us. Wraythe was panting as the tie that bound us sent each and every sensation into his mind. Ela was struggling not to lose control. Talin was desperately trying to keep up, not caring how or where the pleasure came from.

Then there was me. I was locked to Zeal, sharing everything with him. The feeling of Ela driving him higher, the focus as he tried to make both me and Talin feel good, as well as the tether that kept both Wraythe and Anver from slipping away from us. Five heads on this snake. One god to serve them all. Four bodies pleasing me in one way or another, and I couldn't take this much at once.

"Harder, Zeal," Anver panted. "Don't let us break. We are yours, but you are also ours, and they're all so close."

Zeal thrust into me before slamming back, toying with both me and Ela simultaneously. Talin began to fuck the god's face, no longer caring about his place or where he belonged. Wraythe just loved me, refusing to take the chance of hurting me in any way, and I loved them for it. My pulse was pounding. My breath was coming fast enough to make my chest heave with each breath. Zeal rocked his hips, pressing against my clit as he toyed with my breast, and Talin's hand began to move in time.

Five heads on the snake, but they were all one.

Ela groaned, but it was Wraythe who spilled down my throat in pleasure. Talin gasped, his groan of passion choked out as Zeal swallowed his orgasm back. I could feel Ela fighting it, but the pleasure we shared was building, not subsiding, and I lost control next. Ela was only a moment behind me, burying himself in Zeal's ass.

The god managed one more thrust before he joined us, pulling his mouth from Talin's dick as he collapsed across my body. Wraythe gently eased himself back, his hands touching my arm on one side and shoulder on the other. Talin held Ela, and for just a moment, we tried to breathe, to remember who belonged to which sensations.

"I felt that," Zeal breathed, even as Ela slid out of his body.

I wrapped my arm around his back, refusing to open my eyes. "Me too. Please tell me we're still at home?"

"We're home," he promised.

"Then kiss me again, Zeal, because I won't deny it. I do love you. I also love them."

"All of them," Wraythe agreed, moving to sit down in front of the first cushion.

Talin chuckled and joined him on the floor. "Were you in that, Anver?"

"Yeah," Anver said, the answer almost too soft to hear.

Then Zeal shifted his hips, sliding out of me even as he turned to lie beside me. "The bonds you all have grow. They stretch as you push for more. That?" He hugged me tighter. "It won't go away."

"Wait," Ela said. "You mean I'm always going to feel them like that?"

"No," Zeal promised. "That's from me. You will always be open to them, though. The same way Talin is with Nari. The way Wraythe is with you. I may have pushed Anver a little, but I think the best way for him to learn is to experience it. There are five of you."

"And one," I pointed out.