Zeal's lips curled in our kiss, then he tilted his head back so his brow rested against mine. "You can bring a god to his knees. Now get dressed before I do give in. We need to talk about my siblings, and nothing about them is sexy."

His hands stayed for one more heartbeat before Zeal managed to pull himself away and walk straight into the other room without looking back. I just pushed out a heavy breath, trying to calm my racing heart. Wow. The things he could do to me with akiss!

It took me a moment to not only regain my composure, but get dressed and cleaned up enough to leave my room. In the rest of the suite, I could hear the guys talking, but Zeal's voice wasn't among them. I heard chairs, so they were at the table. Twisting my hair up on the back of my head, I checked the mirror to make sure I didn't look as turned on as I felt, and then I finally headed that way to join in.

"So, Peyron," Anver said as I stepped into the living room. "Hot?"

"Amazing," Eladehl assured him. "Tall, lean but fit, and completely natural. He doesn't try to make himself look like anything but a Priest of Perception. I'm pretty sure the guy has no clue how sexy he really is. He seems almost lost in his own mind instead."

"He's a little girly in some ways," Wraythe added.

Talin just scoffed at that. "No, he's not. Where do you get girly?"

"His lips," Wraythe explained. "He's got that..." He paused when everyone looked up at me. Twisting in his chair, the big guy realized I was listening in and chuckled. Without shame, he kept going. "He has lips like Nari, and thick eyelashes like a girl. His face is really pretty, too. I dunno, kinda like Cayden."

"The guy from last year's Darkest Night," Ela explained to Anver.

"Masochistic sub that rivals Faylie?" Anver asked, checking he had the right priest. "Cross-dresses?"

"That's him," Wraythe agreed as I claimed the chair beside him. "You smell good, Nari."

"I smell clean," I assured him.

But Wraythe couldn't hold back the smile. "Kinda surprised you don't smell like sex. I think our god is losing his touch."

"Fuck off," Zeal grumbled. "I'm trying to convince my dick to go down."

"I can help with that," I teased, knowing a subject that he would not find sexy. "Savi's cute. She's about as tall as Amerlee, has skin the color of Zeal's, but her hair is lighter. It's also amazingly curly."

"Like Tishlie's?" Anver asked.

"No," I assured him. "Like Shalsa's would be if it was longer, but more of a caramel color with lighter highlights. Same eyes as Zeal, though, and her features are just as perfect."

"No, they're not," Zeal grumbled. "Do not even think about my sister like that."

Talin had a fist pressed to his lips, but the spark in his eyes made it clear he was struggling hard not to laugh. "She sent them the guy, you know."

"I know," Zeal said. "He's just a human, though. In a few years, he'll lose the beauty of youth and she'll forget all about him."

"Years?" Talin huffed.

Zeal flashed him a devious little smirk. "If you laugh at me, I can laugh at you. Fair, right?"

"Why do I worship you again?" Talin asked.

Zeal just reached over to clasp his shoulder. "Because I don't make you treat me like a god. I also can't see the future, Talin." Then he looked back at the rest of us. "So, my siblings are tired of waiting. They see my power increasing, and they're jealous. They want to be seen again. They long for the days when we were worshipped openly. For too long, we've been like ghosts in our temples, and talking about patience is easier than living with it."

"Why don't they ever come here?" I asked.

"Each temple is a stronghold of power," Zeal explained. "While this temple helps me, it weakens my siblings. The same goes for theirs. The idea was that if any of us ever turned evil, our homes would protect the rest of us. We just never imagined a day when we'd be so weak that we couldn't risk leaving."

"Butyouleave," Talin pointed out. "You went skating with us last winter."

Zeal nodded. "I did, because I finally can. My siblings can't yet. For Savi to be seen in the courtyard meant she had to push herself."

"And she wasn't there for long," I realized. "That makes sense. I'm also curious about what you did to Will."

"He kissed you," Zeal reminded me.