"Got her," Wraythe said.
I refused to take my eyes off the threat. That feeling I'd been fighting? Yeah, it was back and with a vengeance. I wanted to destroy this man, make him pay for daring to touch my girl, and leave him hurting as bad as she was. Instead, I pointed my finger right at him.
"You will never touch her again. Understand?"
"Interfere in her lessons again and I'll fail both of you," Ghale threw back.
I took another step toward him. "Do not test me, Ghale. We don't want to make this a show of who has the stronger contacts." I paused. "Wraythe? She whole?"
"Shoulder's hurting," he called back.
"I'm fine," Nari told me. "I promise."
And the need to hurt this man began to fade. "My god told me to keep her safe, Ghale. Your petty schemes pale in comparison to that."
Ghale just pushed to his feet, trying to act like he wasn't scared of me, and yet he made sure to stay out of my reach. "She's learned. Clearly that deserves an excellent."
"Fucking right it does," I grumbled as I turned away. "And the class is over, right?"
"A student was hurt. Have her checked by a Priest of Action. We'll resume tomorrow morning," Ghale said.
For a moment, no one but me moved, and I was heading toward Nari. Then, almost like there was some sign, the entire class turned to get their things and get out of there before he could change his mind. Not a single person got in my way, though. I reached Nari to find Wraythe shielding her with his body. She had her right arm cradled against her chest, but she was looking at me with a smile.
"Not too bad, huh?" she asked.
But there was just one thing I needed to know. "Darling, are you hurting?"
"Pain's fleeting," she promised. "But if I don't get some ice on this, yeah, I will be. I think it's dislocated, or torn." She licked her lips. "It's not good, Talin."
"Yeah," I said, turning her for the door. "Let's see if a priest can help you."
Chapter 29
We barely made it out of class before I heard Zeal calling Nari's name. She stopped, Wraythe moved behind her so no one would jostle her, and I looked around for the man who belonged to that sound. Zeal hurried toward us, slipping along the edge of the wall.
"You did good," he assured her as he moved between us.
"I think you helped," she said, trying to make it sound like no big deal, but the pain was audible in her voice.
"I didn't," he promised, looking her over. "That was all you. I was ready to, but you didn't need me. Well, not until you hit the ground." He lifted those strange eyes to find mine. "Have Jamik teach her to fall, would you? Jamik, Talin, not you."
"I can do that," I promised.
Zeal was already feeling Nari's shoulder. His hands dipped into her shirt to press against the skin around the joint, checking to see what was going on. A few times, she blinked too hard, proving it hurt, but this woman was amazing. I knew what she had to be feeling, and I would've been whining. Nari? She just ignored it.
Which made me realize just how intense the pressure on her must be, if this was nothing, but the harassment from her instructors was getting to her.
Then Zeal turned to look at Wraythe. "I need you to hold her for a moment." He paused and turned back to me. "You? Go away. I don't want to deal with you when I put her shoulder back in place."
"I'm fine," I promised.
"You won't be when I wrench her arm around."
"Go," Nari told me. "I'm pretty sure I'm safe with these two."
"Ok," I breathed, but fuck me if that first step wasn't nearly impossible to take.