"I have a vest that goes with that..."

Ok, my guys were cute. It was the moments like this that I couldn't get enough of. Eventually, Ela came out of there with a black vest that fit Talin's criteria. Yes, it hid half of my guardian's muscles, but it made his waist look trim and flat. When Talin attached his watch to it and slipped it into the front pocket, I decided this look might be even better.

The guys were finished only a minute before I was, and then the group of us headed to the door together. We didn't wait for Amerlee, Shalsa, or their guardians. The plan was for everyone to meet at Zeal's statue so Maela wouldn't be left waiting - or feel overwhelmed.

We got there to find Shalsa and Irila already waiting. Shalsa had on the most elegant magenta dress I'd ever seen. It set off her dark skin and bright lips. The bustle in the back was small, but her curves made it look more impressive. The fact that her cleavage spilled from the top of her neckline meant she would turn quite a few heads.

Irila, however, was almost as well-dressed as Talin. Her suit was masculine, but with elegant curves that made it clear she was definitely not a man. The tails on her coat jacket were just long enough to hide the weapons I knew were on her belt. And while all of us looked like we wore fancy gloves, in truth our hands were bare. The god-lace created the effect.

"You are your mother's child," Shalsa said in greeting, looking me over. "I have to admit that I'm glad your heels aren't quite as tall, though."

"Because I grew a little more than Amerlee," I agreed.

"I wouldn't mind tall heels," Wraythe mumbled under his breath.

But Irila heard. "I'm sure you wouldn't," she laughed. "Less bending, right?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, pretty much."

But the sound of a door opening - and the noise from the street wafting in - made us all turn in time to see Maela enter the temple. She was dressed appropriately for the baron's wife, but only barely. Her neckline was a little lower, her skirt a bit tighter, and her figure enhanced by the layers she wore instead of being hidden by them. Seeing me, the woman's face lit up and she hurried over.


"Maela," I greeted her, stepping in for a gentle hug. "How have you been? How's your husband?"

She groaned playfully. "He's convinced himself I'm visiting my sister." She looked at me and smiled. "I kinda am. Well, sister-in-law."

"Works for me." Then I turned to our group. "You remember Shalsa, right?"

"I do," she said, "And Irila." Then she looked over at my guardian. "You look nice, Talin."

"So do you," he said. "How's Yamina holding up?"

"Oh, she's fine. Pia's trying to convince her to make her season this year and find a good marriage, but I promised her that we would not force her to marry if she isn't ready."

"She's not ready," Talin said. "She's seventeen!"

"Almost," Maela corrected. "Keep in mind that most of us entered the marriage market as soon as we turned sixteen. Hence the pressure. I'm just wondering if you two will be coming to her party next month?"

I shook my head. "We have classes, and I'm struggling enough as it is. I'm afraid we can't."

"But we'll send gifts," Talin promised.

Then Maela turned, realizing she was ignoring two members of our party. Her eyes found Eladehl and the woman stilled. "Oh." She had to swallow. "Um, Nari's partner, right?"

"I am," Ela admitted, stepping up to take her hand. "Eladehl, and it's a pleasure, Lady Ranndor."

"Maela, please," she insisted, but the woman's cheeks were turning pink. "And this is your guardian?"

"This is Wraythe," Ela introduced, stepping aside so Wraythe could reach her.

He offered his hand like a gentleman, then bowed over her fingers like it was second nature. "Lady Ranndor," he said softly, his deep voice a rumble.

"Really, it's just Maela. I think my title pales in comparison to yours, Priest Wraythe."

"I think you're the first person to ever call me that," Wraythe told her. "And the first nobility I've ever met." He looked over. "Talin doesn't count."

"Screw you too, Wraythe," Talin joked.