"Ambition," I breathed, even as I accepted it.

"She's fine!" Zeal called over, making me look back to see Talin headed our way. "Just my brother."

"Nari?" Talin asked.

"He doesn't believe in me," Will explained. "You're talking to nothing, from his point of view."

"I promise he's here," I told Talin. "I'm fine."

"No," Will countered, "you're not. You're spiraling into a place that does no good for any of us." He dropped a knee into the snow and then sat on it, lowering himself a little more. "Grades never made anyone successful. Rules are meant to be broken, Nari. That's what Zeal is trying so hard to tell you, but he doesn't know the words."

"Like I told him, if I get failed from my Path, I can't do what you need me to," I said.

Will just shrugged. "Then do something else. We need you to be loud, to be proud, and most of all, to be noticed." Then he looked around me to see Zeal. "I told you this Path was a bad idea. You should've just put her on Word."

"She wanted consent," Zeal told him.

"And when have you given a priest everything they want?" Will demanded.

Zeal just gestured to me. "There has to be a first time."

"Mm." Will didn't sound like he quite agreed. "Then let's try this another way." He cupped the side of my face and leaned closer, his eyes holding mine. "What do you want more than anything, Nariana?"

"My family," I told him.

"And there's the problem," Zeal said. "She's happy."

"She's working on being unhappy!" Will snapped. "They're pushing her sexuality so hard they're driving out her ambition. They're destroying her inspiration. They're teaching her to ignore her perception. Even Bode feels her slipping away."

"So I'm doing even worse than I thought?" I asked, realizing he was listing all of the gods.

"No," Will told me. "You're doing better thantheyexpected. You're being a good little cog in the machine, but do you know what cogs are good for? Making someone else's life easier. We don't want you to be a part of things, girl. We need you to bemore. To be the shining star. To be the one who refuses to get in line, won't sit down, and never shuts up. We need you to want more."

And then his lips brushed mine. I felt the crackle of his power and my lips parted, letting him in. Will's tongue swept through my mouth, tasting me, and the sensation shot through my spine like electricity. I sucked a breath against his lips, only to make the god smile and lean back.

"That," Zeal growled, "is the only kiss you will get from her. I hope it was worth it."

Will simply pushed to his feet. "It was. I also understand why you fought so hard for this one. I just needed to touch her soul once." And then he simply vanished.

Zeal grumbled under his breath, "Asshole."

I just reached up to touch my lips. "What did he do?"

"KissedmyPriestess," Zeal snapped, sounding honestly annoyed. "Never letting you talk to my siblings again." Then he stood and offered me a hand. "And he just ruined my relaxing evening."

I pressed my palm against his, once more letting my god help me to my feet. "Zeal? I think I'm even more confused."

"Yeah," he grumbled. "Of that, I have no doubt." We made it two steps toward Talin before my god slung his head to the side and snarled, "Fuck!"

"What?" Talin asked, now close enough to have heard that.

Zeal just looked at me. "Just take this as proof that not even gods are perfect. I'm sorry." And then he was simply gone, disappearing between one second and the next.

Chapter 24


Iwas trying to block Wraythe when I noticed Nari leaving. The moment my attention wandered, Wraythe lowered his hands, turning to see what had distracted me. Then he sighed.