Harlin ducked his head and chuckled. "So, wild guess that I'm not the only one whose ring isn't working anymore, huh?"

"Nope," Jamik said, walking away towards the water pitcher.

"And that's it?" Harlin asked, sounding almost annoyed. "I just tossed that out there, and that's all I'm getting back?"

Jamik waved an arm in my direction. "My kid's in the room."

I rolled my eyes and moved closer to Harlin. "Zeal didn't invent the rings. He's - "

"Pissed about them," Zeal finished for me.

And for the first time in my life, I managed to catch him entering the room. My god walked through the wall. No, the space in front of the wall. Just far enough into the room that he ended up standing right beside Harlin, but he'd clearly come from somewhere. My mouth dropped open in surprise, and Zeal just laughed.

"I told you it's better if I arrive behind you."

"That's impressive," I breathed.

"I'm a god," he reminded me.

"Yeah, but where?" I pointed at the wall. "How?"

Zeal sighed. "Imagine how a fish feels when you stick your arm into the water. They aren't aware of what's on the other side of the surface. You simply appear in their world. I do the same, but from the other side of reality." Then he turned to Harlin. "And she's right, I didn't invent the rings. I wanted my guardians to be shelters for the Priests and Priestesses of the Body. I wanted them to find safety in your presence and solace in your bodies. A priest devised the idea of rings to make their job easier."

"And you didn't stop it?" Harlin asked.

Zeal pushed a hand across his mouth and his eyes jumped back to me. "I wasn't strong enough. As faith wanes, so does our power. I never left my temple, Harlin. Not once. I simply could no longer be seen."

"Like looking up through the surface of water," I mumbled, starting to see how this worked.

Zeal nodded. "The ripples and distortions of the barrier make things complicated. Different reasons, but the same idea. You, though, have the gift."

"Gift or not, I won't be able to help at all if I can't pass my classes," I reminded him. "Being able to see you won't do much if I get dropped down to Obligation."

"Have you talked to the other guardians yet?" Harlin asked. "Because if they push back, then Oryll will realize that he's only in control because all of you let him be."

"No," I grumbled, knowing I should've. "I've been kinda busy."

Which was when Jamik walked up behind me to rub both of my shoulders. "Then ask Zeal to talk to Anver."

"I can do that," Zeal promised.

Harlin just held up a hand. "Yeah, so can we get back to the rings now? Mine does nothing. No more teeth inside. I've seen more guardians being affectionate with their wards lately, and I'm wondering if I'm not the only one. Didn't really want to report it if I am, and I can only assume that this group is safe to ask. So, this is me asking, and hoping like fuck that you aren't going to change the subject again."

Zeal leaned back, mirroring Harlin's pose against the wall. "For those who believe, the rings are failing. Yes, you are allowed to have sex. Your god will not be upset at all. I've made the rings more comfortable to wear, and smooth enough to not be problematic in an intimate moment. However, the temple leadership uses your rings as a leash, and they would not be happy to learn that my most faithful have been set free."

"The system is broken," I explained. "Harlin, that's why we're all in here like some secret organization. We can see our god, and we're keeping it to ourselves? We're priests! Can't you see how wrong that is?"

"But the believers aren't the ones in charge, and until Zeal has more power..." He let that trail off, proving he was now up to speed. "Ok, how do we get you more power?"

"More belief," Zeal explained. "Men live and die. Gods are real or imagined. Same idea, slightly different rules - just like the example I used with Nari. I'm similar to a human, but I am not the same. Instead of growing weak or getting wrinkles as I become more frail, I simply become less tangible. My power is limited by the area around me. Put five believers together, and I feel like I can do a lot. Bring in ten more who think I'm a myth, and I can't pick up a feather. It's a ratio that alters my ability to affect your world."

While he continued to explain to Harlin how all of this worked, I moved away, aiming for the padded area so I could stretch and warm up. Across the room, Talin and Irila were working with those sticks. In the sand pit, Wraythe and Ela went through basic grappling defenses. At some point, Anver had arrived, and Jamik was talking to him.

While I stretched, a few more guardians walked into the Salle. I watched as they tipped their head to Zeal in greeting, proving they could see him. Slowly but surely, he was gaining more followers. I thought back to the people who'd laughed at his comments in class. Plenty of us could see him now, but it still wasn't enough.

What good did any of that really do if I couldn't pass my classes? How could I get decent grades if the man giving them to me intended to see me fail? I couldn't complain to the High Priest because he would prefer I didn't exist. I was a threat to his position.

I couldn't figure out the answer. My mind spiraled through it all again until I was so lost in my thoughts that while I lay bent over my legs to stretch out my back, I didn't even notice Zeal approach. Not until his hands slid down my back, easing the strain.