"She can see," Zeal said before I could even make an adjustment.

Wraythe just chuckled. "No cheating." I felt his hands tug the cloth lower, then they moved to my shoulder. "We will not hurt you, baby."

"I know," I promised.

I heard him move, then a hand grabbed my wrist, moving it behind my back. Someone else grabbed the other. I only knew because I felt them both as that arm was transferred. Then the soft rope wove between my wrists in a figure eight. I was just about to say it was too loose, but one tug tightened the whole thing, and yet it wasn't enough to cut off my circulation.

Then someone else grabbed my ankle. Considering that the chair was a typical one for the dinner table, I wasn't sure this would work, until he moved my leg out and then back. That spread me open and bent my knees. Trying to help, I moved the other, only to have one of them secure it. Two men, on both sides of me, and they were tying my ankles to the back legs of the chair. Next, something soft was shoved behind my lower back. A pillow, I realized, and it forced my ass closer to the edge of the chair.

In my mind, I could imagine how I looked. My back was arched because of the position of that pillow, thrusting my breasts forward. My pussy was completely visible to Zeal. My arms and legs were out of the way, which meant I was at their complete mercy. While I had no idea what I was doing, something about that made me feel sexy. I could already feel my nipples tightening, and I had a funny feeling the guys had noticed before I did.

"Nari, how do you make us stop?" Talin asked.

"I say no or stop," I told him.

"Mhm," he agreed. "This is not the kind of game where that would be a problem, so I'm keeping it simple." His voice was moving around me as if he was making a lap. "Do you agree that all three - er, four - of us can touch you as we want, when we want, unless you say no or stop?"

"Yes," I promised, tilting my head to follow him with my ear.

So he changed directions. "That's my girl. Is there any part of your body that's off limits for tonight?"

I almost said no, but then thought better of it. "Anal penetration."

"Ok," he agreed. "Now, your challenge is to identify whoever is touching you. If you guess and are wrong, that man will stick his dick down your throat until he is satisfied. Do you agree?"

"Yes," I breathed, deciding that I liked this game very much.

"Good," Talin said, his voice now right beside my ear.

And then a finger brushed across the peak of my nipple. I knew I was supposed to think that was Talin, but the touch was too gentle, almost tentative. That touch could only belong to one man.

"Wraythe," I breathed.

"Good," Talin praised me.

Then a hand grabbed my throat. It was hard, but didn't squeeze, yet something about the grip felt confident, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. I hadn't heard Ela get up, but the fingers were long, elegant, and smooth. Considering that Talin had just whispered in my other ear, it couldn't be him.

"Eladehl," I whispered.

Then a fist grabbed the hair at the back of my head, pulling it back. I was now almost lying in this chair, arched over the low back, but I knew what was coming. I'd guessed wrong. That had been Talin - it had to have been - so I opened my lips. Cloth rustled as he opened his pants. A moment later, the tip of his dick brushed across my lips, teasing me, but another hand was sliding up from my knee to my hip.

Slowly, the dick pressed in, giving me the chance to take it, but he didn't shove his way down my throat. I was all but sucking him upside down, and he toyed with my mouth. Each thrust was a little deeper, letting me adjust to the new angle, and then I sucked on him. Both of his hands moved to my jaw, and he began to pump, gently pushing his way through my lips.

I wanted to grab his hip, but I was bound, nothing more than a toy for him to use to please himself. Yet when a mouth sucked at my breast, I couldn't stop the moan. Next came kisses down my ribs. That had to be Wraythe, since I could feel his beard, and if the dick in my mouth wasn't Ela's, then he was on my breast.

Then the man I was sucking pulled away. I hadn't finished him, but the rules were that he got my mouth until he was satisfied, which meant he could stop whenever he wanted. A nip on my shoulder came next, the bite just hard enough to make me gasp, but not to break skin. A mouth was right there to take advantage of it. Someone kissed me, his tongue thrusting deep.

I couldn't see a thing. I had nothing to judge how to react. Bound like this, all I could do was listen and feel. My lover kissed me, paused, and then kissed me again. His lips were soft and sensual, and his face was clean shaven. It could’ve been Ela, but it also could’ve been Zeal, so I said nothing.

Someone's hand was on my belly. Another mouth took my breast. Then a hand slipped between my folds to tease my clit. All I could do was moan, giving into the sensations. I couldn't tell if that was two men, three, or even four. All I knew was that it felt good. When another mouth claimed the other breast, my hips moved of their own volition. I pumped against the hand on my clit, needing more, but he didn't give it. Instead, I felt kisses against the outside of my thigh.

My skin was on fire, waiting for the next point of contact. My arms kept flexing against the bonds, wanting to hold one of them a little closer. Someone's hand clasped my leg just above the knee and pulled, forcing me to spread even more. Then someone did the same on the other side, but the mouths never left my breasts.

I was whimpering, but refused to beg only because I didn't want to guess wrong. Instead, I simply took it. Every touch, every kiss, and every finger trailing across my skin was driving me insane. I took them all until lips teased my throat, the kiss so soft that it was barely there, but I could still feel his short beard.

"Talin," I breathed.

"Mm, that's a good girl," he told me, but he still moved away.