"And?" I asked, because I didn't really see a problem with that.

Talin chuckled. "Your problem is that you don't treat me the same."

I pushed the eggs around on my plate, thinking through everything I hadn't decided the night before. I didn't really mind being affectionate with him, but it always felt different. I didn't mind making an effort - not if it meant I could still be sweet to Nari - but I wasn't sure what they expected of me. Then again, I could just ask. They'd know how to help me.

"I don't know how to like guys like that," I finally said.

Eladehl reached over and grabbed my arm. "Yes, you do," he promised. "You already like us like that."

"No, I..."

"Like friends," Ela corrected. "Wraythe, no one expects you to suddenly start lusting after Talin or me, ok? You're not into men. You're still part of our family, and that means it's ok to treat us like you do her. You can hug us, or pick on us, or anything else. I know you can't stop being all cute with Nari, so stop trying to always be professional with us. I think that will stop the rumors before they can start."

"We won't even think the wrong thing," Talin promised. "Besides, since Ela's her partner, that means you're mine."

I nodded then shoved a forkful of food into my mouth to think about that. It made sense. Irila and Jamik were partners, but it was mostly a default thing. Still, I hadn't expected to partner with a guy, but I kinda liked it. Nari was my woman, Talin was my partner, and Ela was my ward - officially. I knew it was more complicated than that, but I kinda liked the idea of my own partner. It made me feel like it was ok for me to like Talin as much as I did. He was one of us, and now he and I had a connection too.

"Ok," I told them. "But make sure I don't look like an idiot?"

"Promise," Talin told me. "I mean, that's what partners do, right?"

Nari leaned over to press her head against my arm. "Yeah. And I think it's kinda sexy when you're all cute with them."

Which was the last push I needed. "Then I'll be cute," I swore. If a monster of a man could be "cute," that was.

Chapter 14


For the rest of the day, Wraythe practiced being "cute" with the guys. It was easy and seamless with Ela. There was a bond between those two that was different - and even deeper - than his relationship with me. But when it came to Talin, he seemed a little more shy. Thankfully, Talin knew how to handle it. On the way back after lunch, he poked Wraythe in the ribs, making the big guy yelp and duck away from the tickle. In our room, they kept it up.

It felt like something had shifted between them last night. I was hoping it was a good thing, but I couldn't tell yet. Wraythe seemed to be trying to figure out where he fit in, and I hated that he had doubts, but didn't know how to fix it. After all, I'd kissed him first. He was the rock that the rest of us could lean on. I also loved seeing him come undone with pleasure. It looked so good on him.

I found myself randomly daydreaming about it when I was supposed to be doing my homework. When the guys sat beside each other at lunch, I kept smiling, unable to help myself. Talin noticed, but he only laughed at me a little. Yet in the back of my mind, I could only think of one thing: I still had a project to do with Ela, and there was no reason Talin and Wraythe couldn't help us. In other words, this time I'd get to have them all. But when I brought it up that evening, Ela wasn't quite as enthusiastic as I'd expected.

"Hey," I said when Ela pushed aside one of his books. "Don't forget that you still have to tie me up and have your way with me."

"I remember," he promised, but he simply grabbed another book.

Well, ok. That made sense. It felt like our classes had gotten even harder this week, and homework wasn't exactly a turn on. I didn't think much of it until later. Talin leaned over Ela to kiss his neck. Then he bit gently. Without thinking about it, Ela tilted his head in a silent request for more. His eyes slipped closed, and my partner completely forgot about his homework.

"How much longer?" Talin asked.

"Two more classes," Ela promised. "Why? Have plans?"

"Kinda wanted to tie Nari up," Talin teased.

The playful look on Ela's face immediately vanished. "Not tonight," he said. "She's too sore."

"Only my ass," I insisted. "So no double penetration and I'll be fine. And it's not like Ihurt,so doing a little of that might even count as experimenting."

Eladehl slapped his hand on the table. "No," he snapped. "Don't you get it, Nari? I'm not going to hurt you. There's no reason we can't just say we did it. Not like Oryll's going to check."

"And when he wants a demonstration in class?" I asked. "C'mon, Ela. We both know that he's looking for any excuse he can find to fail me again, and it's not like I'm doing so good in any of his classes."

"Not today," Ela told me, going back to his homework as if that would get him out of this.

But when Talin walked away, I decided not to push it. Maybe Eladehl had a point. The two of us worked well together, and this was something that clearly bothered him. Yet, somewhere through my last assignment, I had a sudden burst of inspiration.