"No!" Irila laughed. "Men are attracted to men because they are men. Women are attracted to women because they are women. Everyone has different tastes, but there's no rule that says one has to be masculine while the other is feminine. People are simply people, Maela, and in this temple, they're allowed to love whoever they want. Those on the Path of the Body need something to come home to. A partner they can count on, because theywillspend too much time in someone else's bed. If you ask me, I actually think our relationships are stronger for it, because it's not about who you have sex with. It's about who you have feelings for."

"I like that," Maela said. "A lot. And all of you should give me your address - or whatever I need to get a letter to you directly - so I can write to you and confirm our outing next weekend, because I am excited to do this as often as you'll take me."

"Then maybe we'll have to introduce you to a few more priests and priestesses," Amerlee teased. "We can make it our own little tradition." Then she reached over to rub the woman's arm. "I really am glad you came, Lady Ranndor."

"Maela," she corrected. "I think all of you ladies - er, priestesses - are friends, and that's what my friends call me. Just don't laugh too much when I blush."

"Don't worry," Shalsa said. "I have every intention of doing my fair share. Hopefully, you'll let me pick your brain since I'm supposed to go to some wedding next month, and I have no idea what to wear! I'm going to be acompletedisaster!"

"I can definitely help," Maela promised. "And Tath can't even complain, because I'm just doing my duty to our god."

But the smile on her lips was a little devious. It also suited her very well.

Chapter 9


Iwatched Nari throughout her lunch with Talin's sister-in-law. Somewhere in there, I realized she'd grown up. I wasn't sure when it had happened - the process had simply been too slow - but she was no longer a girl. Nari was now a woman, and the kind that men dreamed of when they talked about the priestesses of our temple. She had manners, beauty, and the type of grace that few could match.

"You're staring," Jamik warned me.

With a chuckle, I turned my gaze to him. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he said. "Be subtle. That's why Ela and I put our backs to them, so you two can watch."

Talin reached for his glass. "Is this what you do on assignments?"

"Yep," Jamik said. "The Path of the Body is meant to highlight Zeal. They're the display. It doesn't matter if that's a casual tea with a friend, or bound and gagged in a bedroom. Every single thing they do is noticed, and it's what people think about when they contemplate our god."

"Which means I'll need to learn more than just fucking," Ela grumbled.

"You will," Jamik assured him. "For now, focus on the fucking. Nari can lead you through the social situations and you can lead her through the bedroom ones."

Ela nodded as if that worked well enough. "I can handle that."

"But for you two," Jamik went on, his eyes flicking from me to Talin, "it's much more subtle. You need to be available and present, but completely unobtrusive. You should never take over a session, even if that's only escorting your ward to a function."

"How?" Talin asked.

Jamik chuckled. "Act like a servant. Find a spot against a wall and stand there. Keep your hands away from your weapons so no one gets nervous. Pretend to look at the flowers or the pastries."

"I'd get hungry," I admitted.

"You won't," Jamik promised. "You'll be too focused on Ela to actually think about it. His head will disappear in the crowd and your heart will stop. You'll hear someone gasp and you'll want to rush in. It's more like standing in the middle of the sand pit for a training session, waiting for the first strike. That increased awareness hits, and eating, talking, or anything else is the last thing on your mind. All that will matter is making sure he's safe."

Talin flicked a finger toward the ladies' table. "And times like this?"

"Are why I wanted you out of class," Jamik told us. "I just heard those women talking about a regular lunch date. That means they'll be going outside the temple, and we will all be with them."

"Uh..." Eladehl looked at him. "So I'm playing a guardian now too?"

"Sure," I said before Jamik could disagree. "We all know that Zeal wants you to watch over her. What does it hurt if you learn how to work the way we do?"

"You're ok with that?" Jamik asked me.

I nodded. "He's already training with us in the Salle. He can't take Protection courses, but I think it's something he'd be good at. Ela was always near the top of our weapons classes, and it's Nari."

"What do you mean?" Jamik asked, but the look on his face proved he had a few guesses of his own.