"I'm supposed to collect Priestess Nariana," the man told her. "Lady Ranndor is waiting at the temple entrance to speak with her."

"Then go," Elma told me. "We do not keep our baron's wife waiting. That is another part of Obligation you will all learn. The time of others is limited, and we should not waste it."

"Yes, Priestess," I said, quickly collecting my things.

I felt like everyone was watching as I slipped between the seats and toward the door. Thankfully, the priest - who'd clearly been sent to fetch me - gestured the direction I should go. Then he fell in at my side.

"If you'll give me your books and supplies, I can return them to your rooms," he offered.

"No one's there and the door's locked," I said. "I appreciate it, though."

He just chuckled. "Then let me leave them with your mentor. I do know where Amerlee's office is."

"You sure?"

He nodded. "Priestess, this is the baron's wife. She has only set foot in this temple once before. That means that her reason must be important."

"I actually invited her," I said even as I passed over my things. "Thank you, Priest..." I paused, hoping he'd fill in his name.

"Drandir." He smiled at me again. "I'm on the Path of Obligation, so this is my responsibility."

"And appreciated more than you know," I assured him. "I'm sure Amerlee will have a tithe for you. I'm sorry, but I was unprepared."

"No need," he assured me. "Lady Ranndor's in the vestibule, looking at the statue of Zeal. You shouldn't have trouble finding her."

No, I shouldn't, but I also didn't have my guardian. I knew I'd promised Ela that I wouldn't wander alone, but the guys were all at lunch. For a moment, I thought about getting them, then decided that since I was inside the temple, I should be ok. To make sure of that, I'd simply hurry. Just as I reached the last hall of the housing wing, a shadow fell in beside me. Turning my head, I recognized Grath from my grappling class.

"Where ya going?" he asked.

"It seems Lady Ranndor has decided to make a surprise visit," I explained.

"Where's Talin?"


Grath nodded once, and then simply offered his arm. "My desire's in class right now. Means I can stand in for a moment so you don't have to ruin Talin's meal."

I took his arm with a smile. "Thanks. You do know that I'm also on the Path of Protection, right?"

Grath bobbed his head slowly. "And I also know how many people would love to see you trip down the stairs. Why don't you just let me have this?"

Strangely, having him beside me helped. My anxiety began to dissipate, and by the time we entered the front of the temple, it was gone completely. Maela Ranndor was exactly where Drandir had said she'd be, and she was looking at the statue of Zeal a little too intently.

"Maela!" I greeted her, letting go of Grath to offer her my hand.

Instead, Maela turned it into a hug. "Nari, I kept thinking that maybe I shouldn't do this."

"No, I'm glad you came. Got me out of class, too."

She glanced over my shoulder. "Is this one of your fellow priests?"

"Yes." I turned to invite Grath closer. "This is Priest Grath. He's a guardian like your brother-in-law, and one of my classmates. Talin's currently busy, so Grath offered to keep an eye on me."

"Do you always have a bodyguard?" she asked.

Grath just chuckled. "The Path of the Body is the most important for Zeal's work, Lady Ranndor. It's also the most dangerous. It seems that only the Path of Temptation is more challenging. We guardians also have a rule among ourselves to respect each other's, uh, wards."

"Desires," I corrected, knowing that was the term he'd almost used. "It's what they call the priest or priestess they're bound to: their desire. Think of it like your husband being entrusted with his brother's wife. He would make sure no harm came to her and act as a proper chaperone."