There was just one problem with that. "He's asexual, I heard."

Lurel scoffed. "So? We were all pretty asexual in primary. He's not aromantic. Just because he doesn't want to fuck doesn't mean he isn't interested in dating, Wraythe. But he's a good guy, if that's what you're asking."

"He just seems too interested in Nari," I admitted.

Talin chuckled. "No, that's just Grath. He was given a responsibility, so he is going to take it seriously. He's one of those do-good types, but not the annoying ones. Grath was the guy everyone knew, no one got close to, but we could all rely on."

I nodded even as I moved to stretch my legs. "He's been spending time with Anver."

"Yep," Lurel said. "And a few of us have been keeping an eye on him too, simply because Grath asked. Seems your little friend talks to a god, and people are starting to notice."

"Yeah," Talin breathed. "Granted, he's an easy god to talk to."

"You've seen him too?" she asked.

Talin chuckled. "We all have. Nari's his Chosen, Lurel. Kinda what that means."

"But why her?" Lurel wanted to know. "Seriously, guys. There has to be a reason Zeal picked her, and I get that she's beautiful, but I have a feeling a god is going to need a little more than looks to make him fall in love."

"Because she's amazing," Talin said.

I grunted. "She is, but tell her the truth."

Talin sighed. "And she's descended from the first priestess. The one the gods called their mother. The woman who was there when they were born from a tyrant, who kept them safe until they could protect themselves. They gave her descendants the sight, and it seems Nari can see all the gods, but I think there's more to it than that. I mean, she's got family in the temples, but Nari's the only one who's been singled out?"

"He hasn't said?" Lurel asked.

"Nope," I told her. "Zeal doesn't really..." I paused searching for the right words. "He's not like most men."

"He's a god," she pointed out.

"Exactly," I said. "He doesn't always know how to explain things on a scale small enough for us to grasp. He doesn't talk over our heads, but often what he says and what he means aren't quite the same."

Lurel nodded at that. "Well, I figured I'd let you both know that most of the second-years don't blame her for what happened. I know Oryll was a dick yesterday, and there are a few who think she needs to be dropped down a few Paths, but they're the same idiots you'd expect. The rest of us? Nyrren wasn't right in the head. He never was. We were all shocked that he wasn't put in Obligation, and we're just glad it wasn't worse."

"Thanks," Talin told her. "Actually makes me feel a bit better. I mean, I didn't kill him, but I would've."

"Sounds like he tried to kill you first," she said. "The guardians are with you, Talin. You too, Wraythe. Doesn't matter if we agree with your ideology. We understand your bond, and that comes before all else."

Well, that explained why Talin hung out with this girl. Yeah, I knew she was the guardian of his ex, but I didn't think he was still carrying a flame for the guy. The information, though? That was more Talin's style. Never mind that Lurel seemed like she was honestly nice.

Soon enough, Ghale called us all over to the sandy sparring ring. Talin and I took spots on the rail, leaving a small space between us. We didn't even have to ask, and Nari claimed it. Grath moved to my other side, Lurel leaned beside Talin, and more guardians packed in around us.

Our instructor moved into the middle of the sparring ring. "Today, we're going to learn how to work two against one. As Wraythe pointed out to me, this is a concern when our wards are in a situation with multiple patrons, or a patron with their own guardian."

"Wouldn't have helped," someone called out.

"Could have," Ghale countered. "So Nari, why don't you come down here - "

"No!" I snapped.

Ghale's head twitched and he looked over at me. "Excuse me?"

"She has a broken rib and the healers made it clear that she's not to lift anything or strain herself all week."

"And I suppose they told you?" Ghale snapped.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "As a matter of fact, they did. Talin was incapacitated at the time. My ward was seeing to him. Nari needed a guardian, and I know he'd do the same for me if the situation was reversed, so yeah. I was there. They told me, and I promised that I'd make sure she didn't." I lifted a brow, waiting for his response.