Another priestess lifted her papers up so they could be seen. "Half of these names are students who were interrupted because of the incident. They were sent out of their session rooms by higher-ranking priests. Osas and Tishlie? I believe that's the pair who had one of the guardian's ridden by Zeal?"

"Which counts as not finishing!" Oryll snapped.

The woman canted her head, looking at Oryll as if he were a fool. "Really? When a god takes over your body, you don't get much say. It's also not an easy thing. I heard the young man spent the weekend recovering from the privilege." She turned to see Anver. "Do you think you could've stopped your god, Priest?"

"No," Anver said. "The only thought on Zeal's mind - my mind? - was protecting his Chosen. When he saw the situation, he was enraged, and he wants someone to pay for it. I've never felt grief like when Zeal lost one of his priests."

The woman turned back to the front. "Who do you think is ultimately responsible for what happens in this class, Priest Oryll?"

"And what do you expect me to do?" Oryll shot back. "We're not allowed in the session rooms with them. The initiates are granted privacy for a reason."

So Jola jumped to her feet, making the entire room look at her. "I expect you to train your students. I expect to know that if I'm paired with a young priest or priestess, I will not be putting my own life in danger, or that of my guardian. I expect that this temple will train us all to do our jobs, be prepared for the worst, and make sure we are not triggering an uncontrolled passion! We're less than two months away from the end of this semester, and do you honestly think these students are ready?"

"I think they'll be graded on what they know, and if they cannot pass, they will go to Action where they belong!" Oryll barked at her.

"That is not your call," Jola all but snarled at him. "Our god put our Paths on our bodies for a reason."

Oryll just stabbed a finger at me. "And her? Maybe the tears aren't working anymore."

"Maybe Zeal calls her his Chosen for a reason," Jola replied. "You claim to be a Priest of the Word, but you don't realize how amazing the recent interactions with Zeal have been? Three times," she said, "he's ridden a priest to be heard. All three times were because of Priestess Nariana."

"Or she's found a very good con game," Oryll said, lifting a brow as if that should explain it all.

"Really?" Saval asked. "And what would she gain by that?"

"Clearly she's getting the attention she wants," Oryll said. "She's a distraction in this class."

"No!" Osas yelled, standing up. "Nari has done nothing to distract us. You single her out, time and time again, making the distractions - not her."

From the side of the room, someone called out, "He just doesn't like that she has more lace than him. The girl's earned it, though."

"Who said that?" Oryll demanded, his eyes scanning the guardians, because that was where it had come from.

But not a single one gave it away. The line of them all looked back, their faces calm and controlled, just like when in a session. I hadn't recognized the voice, but from the direction, there was only one guy I knew. He was in my grappling class. His eyes were also on me instead of Oryll. I nodded to show I appreciated the support.

Then I eased myself to my feet, the aches in my body not making it easy. "Priest Oryll," I said, making the entire room turn to look at me. "I don't know what you hope to gain by failing a large section of your class. Some of these initiates will still pass for the semester. Plenty will still go on to practice the Path of the Body. Others won't. The large number dropped to Action to go through training there? You don't think that will be noticed?"

"What business is that of yours?" he asked. "I'd think you'd enjoy having a few friends in your next training course."

"Oh, but that's the thing, Oryll, I won't be with them. I am Zeal's Chosen. I am the Priestess of Temptation. I have recently been informed that if I move down a Path, it will be to move into the Temple of All Gods, and that I already have all of the qualifications to become the High Priestess of All Gods."

Saval sucked in a breath. "You do..."

"What?" Oryll asked.

A smile was taking over my lips. "A Priest of Perception recently asked me if that was my goal. It's not, but it is my backup plan. If you are determined to fail me, just know that it's been a very long time since any priest has trained in all the Paths of a single temple, or multiple Paths of all temples. That's the only way to qualify as the High Priest of All Gods. It's not a commonly-filled position."

"But you can't..." Oryll said.

I pushed out a breath, aware that standing like this wasn't comfortable, and raising my voice was less so. "I also know that you pushed those priests to make sure I failed. Nyrren made it pretty clear that if he wanted to pass, he had no other option. You turned an untrained punisher loose on me in a session where I was completely bound and gagged. I'd love to know how you expected that to go well. If we're going to be judging, Priest Oryll, then I'm judging you."

"Write off the grade, Oryll," Saval warned. "The council of educators is already investigating this. Do not make things worse for yourself."

"Fine!" Oryll grumbled. "But you're still on the line, Nariana."

"I have a feeling that won't change so long as you're my instructor, Oryll. I also don't care anymore."

Chapter 58