"She's not gonna like that," Wraythe warned.

But it was Nari who lifted. First, she raised her shoulders enough for me to get the covers out from under her, and then her ass. I saw her wince, and Wraythe tried to help, but our girl wasn't the fragile kind. The movement also gave Wraythe the chance to pull away the blanket Jamik must've wrapped around her.

Bare, I could see the welts and bruises already forming on her skin. Her entire abdomen was red and turning darker. Fear was tingling down my spine, the taste of it lingering in my mouth, but I knew she'd be ok. If she was hurt too bad, Zeal could still help. He'd have to. He'd said he loved her.

"Go take care of Talin," Nari breathed. "I'm ok."

"I got her," Wraythe swore, even as he eased the blankets up and over her.

So I followed Jamik back into the other room. There, Amerlee, Shalsa, and Jola were talking softly. Irila was helping Talin out of his boots. His vest was already on the floor. I made my way over to help keep him standing.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Weak," Talin admitted. "Like a wet rag, as if I can barely make my body work."

"You lost a lot of blood," Irila told him. "You're going to be lightheaded for a few days, and basically useless. Jamik and I are available if you need us - even if that's to watch Nari."

Talin's eyes closed and his breath fell out. "Thank you," he breathed, his voice quavering.

"We got you," I assured him. "Talin, let me take you to the shower. Let me help you for once?"

"Wait!" Amerlee begged. "I need some idea of what happened in there. The priests will come and ask. I have to tell them something." She glanced back at Jamik, then to us again. "A priest was killed. There will be questions."

Which meant she was worried about her own guardian. She needed something to keep Jamik from being punished, and Talin was the only one who could give it to her. He wrapped his arm around me, leaning in, but made no attempt to leave.

"Nyrren gagged her first, then he tied her the way Jamik saw. He picked up the whip thing. More like a stick."

"Cane," I said, giving him the proper term. "It's made of rubber, but the harder kind, and that's what it's called."

"That," Talin agreed. "He began hitting her. That was fine. Hard to watch, but the session was for battery, so I didn't stop it. Then he kicked her. Wait. He hit her a few times in there too. Backhand, mostly. But it was the kicks. He got her at least twice in the guts. But he wasn't hitting for a reason or goal. It was like..." His blue eyes turned on me.

"Like me," I realized.

"Nothing at all like you," he corrected. "He got that same look you do when you're thinking about it. The dangerous glint in your eye, you know? But you have control. He was like a starving man who couldn't stop himself. One hit made him need more, and she couldn't stop him. Nari's too proud. She took the punishment, knowing she needed it for her grade."

"What?!" Jola asked.

"She's failing," Talin explained. "Rumors say Nyrren isn't much better. He had to abuse her, and she had to take it. If they wanted to pass this class, they both need excellents." He paused. "Needed."

"And then?" Amerlee pressed. "I'm sorry, Talin, but I have to know."

"Nari was hurt. He kicked her, and she was panicking. She couldn't get loose. She couldn't call for me, but I knew. I pushed him off, but I think Wobem thought I was attacking him. Wobem went after me, I tried to keep them off Nari, but she was helpless. Bound, gagged." He shook his head. "And then, I don't know. I shoved Nyrren away, Wobem was there, hitting me, and then pain. My legs just gave out, and my shoulder hurt. There was blood, and I couldn't stay awake, and then Anver was there."

"He stabbed you in the neck, just above your shoulder," Jamik said. "The knife in the punishment kit? Nyrren got you right across the jugular. Zeal rode Anver to break down the door. Harlin and I were called. Our marks..." He looked down at his hands. "Just like when she was a kid. I knew I needed to be there, and we ran."

"We were in Saval's office," Amerlee explained. "They ran, Saval and I followed. I caught a Priest of Obligation, told her to find Shalsa. My own lace was tingling, and Saval said hers was the same. Priests were coming from all over, and many of them were guardians."

"From the Salle," Irila explained. "The ones who believe. I'm willing to bet they'll all say they were called."

Jamik just nodded. "Yeah, but I made it into that room to see Nyrren about to hit her again. I didn't even realize what he was holding until I shoved him off, and then he tried to use the knife on me."

"He was going to cut her?" Shalsa asked.

"I think so," Jamik said. "I honestly think he would've killed her if we'd been a second later. He was in a frenzy. Completely out of control, and he came at me. I..." He paused to swallow. "I had no other choice. I never had the chance to think. That man was fighting me with all he had, and he was armed. I knew Harlin had the other boy, but Talin was bleeding out, and Nari was vulnerable. I had to stop him, so I did."

"Then that's what we'll make sure the priests hear," Amerlee said. "Go on, Ela. Get him cleaned up and then let him check on her. It'll help more than you know. Jamik, I am not going to let anything happen to you."

"I know, darling," he assured her. "Also not my first time to kill a man. I just wish it had gone differently."