"Being a god is easier when we keep our distance."

"But is the price worth it to be close?" I asked.

"I hope so," he breathed - and then he was simply gone, my arms wrapped around nothing.

Chapter 47


When the weekend finally rolled around, we were all ready to have a little time away from the temple. Nari had been forced to cancel on Talin's sister-in-law last weekend. This weekend, Maela had asked if a few priests would be willing to accompany her to a society event. That meant we were all going, and this would be very public.

So today, I wore a pinstriped suit with accents in a dark wine color to match Nari's dress. This was also the first chance I'd have to pull out both my top hat and cane. At my insistence, Talin had pulled out a black suit that was a little more elaborate than his usual attire, and Amerlee's tailor had designed something just as elegant for Wraythe.

Needless to say, my guardian lookedgood. Instead of looking like a giant of a man, he simply looked strong and elegant. It was also possible that my eyes ran across him a few times too many - and he knew it. The smirk on his lips made it clear he'd caught meat leastonce.

Then there was Nari. All of the pressure she was under had been turned onto her face and hair like some chance at revenge. I understood, though. Most initiates would never be invited to something like this. That was half the problem. Her holiday with the baron's family had turned this semester into misery for her, and so this event would become her own little vindication, and I was here to help her in any way I could.

Because if the temple wanted to tear her down, we would all find ways to lift her up. That was what she'd done for me. I'd struggled so hard with my newfound desires, but she'd never pulled away. She'd jumped in, embracing my needs with everything she had, so how could I give her any less? That woman made me feel like I was whole. After that session with Tishlie, and the way those three had refused to leave me? I'd finally been able to understand what they'd spent months trying to tell me.

I wasn't broken. I wasn't disgusting. I wasn't a monster. I was a weapon, and I would never hurt those I loved. Ididhave the power to stop myself from doing anything I'd regret. Maybe I'd torn Faylie apart in our first few lessons, but the last one I'd had with her had been better. She'd asked and there were things I'd refused. When I'd left her satisfied at the end, there'd only been a single bruise on her body - and a few bites.

There was just one problem with the plans for today: Maela's friends were all women. She'd invited the group of priestesses to an event at the Baron of Ambition's home. Their youngest daughter was about to enter society, and the girl would need to be invited to dances and parties over the next few months. Today's lunch was to allow the future hosts to know the young lady existed so she'd receive an invitation. From there, she'd likely meet a man, get married into another noble family, and produce the next generation.

It was a common enough thing, but Lord Ranndor had no interest in social functions. According to Shalsa, the man intended to skip it, so Maela had asked us all to go with her. It was the first sign that she was willing to step up as the head of the Temptation Barony. As the only male Priest of the Body in her entourage, that meant I needed to escort her - which meant Nari would be without me as a partner.

So when we headed to the front of the temple to meet the rest, I lagged behind, allowing Talin and Nari a little distance before I turned to Wraythe and said, "Stick with her today?"

"I'm supposed to keep an eye on you," he countered. "She has Talin, and he'll help her navigate the society aspects of this."

I knew he was right, but I still didn't like it. "Then find someone else and a reason to be close enough. Wraythe, we both know that I won't be in danger at this. But with all of the lace on her skin and so many other houses and temples there? I'd rather not take a risk."

"Nari's been trying to convince Maela to step up as Lady Ranndor for months," Wraythe reminded me. "If you can help encourage that, then fine. I'll hover somewhere between the two of you."

I clasped his arm. "Thanks. I promise to scream loudly if I'm in danger so you won't need to hover." Then I smoothed the fabric I'd just creased. "And you look amazing in this."

Wraythe chuckled. "Thinking about taking it off me, huh?"

"In all honesty? I already did - a few times. Just let me watch when Nari does it later?"

"Deal," he promised. "Only because you're good for my ego."

When we finally made it to the statue of Zeal, the others were already waiting. For once, the sight of Faylie didn't fill me with dread. Just knowing why she set me off made it easier. Her hair really was the exact same shade of blonde as Ciella's, and styled almost exactly like Tishlie's. Her big eyes and pretty face were too sweet and innocent, reminding me of Tishlie just a bit too much. But Faylie wasn't either of them. She was a kind woman who'd gone out of her way to make sure I could control myself.

Yet when we got close enough, her guardian stepped between us. "Eladehl," he said, a hint of warning in his words.

"Be nice," Faylie chided him.

I simply offered the man my hand. "I'm here with my own desire, Quin. Not for yours. I promise that Faylie's safe from me today."

The man's shoulders relaxed slightly. "I'm sorry."

"I understand," I countered. "She's your everything. I'm not very good for her. It's only natural for you to think about the ways you could torture me."

He chuckled. "There's a good chance I have my preferred methods already picked out."

Wraythe just grunted, making it clear he wasn't impressed. "So long as they stay in your mind."

"For now," Quin promised. "Quite the gathering today. Amerlee invited Saval too, so it's not just Body and Protection priests."