"You want this?" I asked her.

"I wanted him," she huffed.

Ela's grip changed quickly, and his now-free hand caught her chin, forcing her face up. "Tell me I can choke her?" he begged.

"A little," I gave in. "I still need her to say yes."

"Say it!" Ela snarled, the first hint of his control slipping.

"Yes," Tishlie managed to get out.

So I thrust the dildo into her, surprised at how easy it was. The girl's body flexed as she took it, pressing herself back into Ela. In response, he thrust against her ass again.

"Oh yeah, ride that, Tishlie. Make me want it."

So she did, grinding her ass against him as she pushed herself back onto my dildo. I helped, adding a little more force, driving her just a bit higher. Each time I pumped it into her, I moved a little closer to Ela, only Tishlie's body separating me. His eyes hung on mine. He was breathing a little too hard. I couldn't tell if it was his desire to see her hurt, his arousal from doing this with me, or both.

"Kiss me," I demanded.

Without releasing Tishlie, Ela leaned over her shoulder and our mouths met. I kept thrusting, kept working her higher, and my tongue moved in time. The sound Ela made was pure passion, and it was all for me. Without a doubt, I knew that, and I drank it in. There was a high that came with this kind of power. A rush that I wanted more of, and he was sharing it with me.

Then her breath stopped. Pulling back, I realized Ela's hand was tight around her throat, cutting off her air. "Keep going," he said. "She's going to get so close, but she hasn't been good enough to finish yet."

I fucked her faster. "How close?" Desire dripped from my words.

"Are you wet, Nari?" he teased.

"You have no idea."

"Mm," Ela groaned. "I just wish I was the one you were using that on, not this little bitch."

I moved my hand to slide it down Tishlie's body, seeking out her clit by feel. "She forgot to grind against you."

"Which is why she can't breathe," Ela said.

So Tishlie began to move, thrusting her ass against Ela's lap. His hand immediately relaxed and the girl whimpered before sucking in a deep breath. She was at our mercy. Too bad for her, we were a true pair. A partnership in more ways than just what rooms we shared. This? It was Ela showing me why he loved giving pain so much.

"Stop," he said, and my arm froze.

Tishlie gasped in shock. "No, I was so close."

"Oh, you poor little thing," he teased. "I thought you wantedme." Then he tipped his head at the box. "Get me the cuffs, baby?"

I pulled the dildo from her body and lifted it to her mouth. "Open."

Tishlie actually obeyed, so I pushed the head between her lips and allowed her to hold it for me. Ela murmured his approval, releasing the girl's neck to grab the base and pump it into her mouth while I retrieved his gear. Sure enough, there were a pair of leather cuffs. Two, actually. Snagging the smaller set, I carried them back, and took over with the dildo while Ela secured Tishlie's wrists behind her.

I made her take just a bit more, feeling her throat constrict against it each time I pushed too far, while Ela stood and began removing his clothes, taking his sweet time about it. Deciding that I could be as bad as him, I removed the dick, leaned in, and kissed the girl before making her turn to see his beauty.

"Have you ever seen the lace Zeal put on him?" I asked as his pants opened. "Heavy, dark lines." He pushed them lower. "The swirls go up his shaft, but I don't think you can swallow enough to taste them, although I bet you want to try."

"I've always wanted to," she admitted. "He's perfect."

"Mhm," I agreed. "In so many ways. How many times has he been the one you were thinking about when pleasing yourself?" I kissed the corner of her mouth, treating her like we were in this together.

"Many," she whispered.

"And when Ciella goes down on you, do you pretend it's Eladehl's mouth instead?" I asked. "Do you wish it was his tongue slipping inside your body?"