Obediently, I took a bite, but Grath wasn't done. "Look, Ghale isn't a bad instructor. He's not the best, but he does care whether or not guardians are able to do their tasks. I think that's his problem with Nari. He thinks she's a distraction because she's not ringed and has no obvious ward. She's also outspoken and likes to push his buttons, but that's beside the point. Ghale has some pretty strong opinions about our duties, and he's trying to make sure we all learn our place. It's not to be a punching bag, either."
Anver sighed. "That's not what I'm doing."
"Then whatareyou doing?" Jamik asked. "Those four have gone out of their way to make it clear you have friends. Why are you hiding away in your room where Tishlie can make your life miserable?"
Anver looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Really? Stop for one second and you'll figure out the answer."
"And he can walk with you," Jamik went on, knowing Anver was alluding to Zeal. "He's pretty good at it."
"Who?" Grath asked.
"Don't worry about it," Jamik assured him. "A mutual friend who his ward isn't a fan of."
"A lover?" Grath asked.
"Asexual," Anver shot back.
"No." Grath slapped his hand down on the table. "That is not an answer like you think it is. Not to me. There's nothing but guardians at this table, and while Nari's not ringed, the rest of us know that lover and fuck buddy aren't the same. Being asexual doesn't mean you can'tfeelsomething. Shit, the rings basically make all of us act asexual whether we want to be or not. Now, how about we try that again?"
"No," Jamik said softly. "Grath, I've just realized what you need to help him with."
"I'm not asexual," Jamik explained. "Nari's on the Path of the Body. Her guardians are all very sexual. To the point that we had some problems initially. He has no one to compare to. He doesn't know what it means. He has been judging himself against them, so he has no basis of normal."
"Really don't want to talk about this," Anver grumbled.
"Too fucking bad," Jamik told him. "In case you missed it, this is a temple for the God of Temptation. Love and sex? They're the most popular. Has anyone ever talked to you about your physical desires - or lack of?"
"No," Anver mumbled.
"I see," Grath said. "Man, when I hit puberty, I was so fucking confused. All these girls were hitting on me, and I wanted none of it. Figured I was gay. Then the guys tried. Same nothing. But Valira, my desire? Totally different. We were friends, and by the time we hit tenth year, I was ready to go there."
"Sex?" Anver asked.
Grath nodded. "Never did, but I was into it withher.Figure this is the best of both worlds. I get to see her be pleased and hold her when she's done with the patrons, right?"
"You want sex?" Anver asked again.
Grath just chuckled. "I'm not sexually aroused by bodies, Anver. Sexy doesn't do shit for me. I'm turned on by kindness, by friendship, and other emotional reasons. Sometimes, I just want the sensation, but my brain doesn't tie it to bodies atall. Plus, my libido sucks. Once a year? I'd be good with that. Being asexual isn't the same as not being physical. It's being aroused for reasons other than someone's appearance, usually emotional ones."
Anver looked up and his eyes hit me. "Yeah, that kinda makes sense."
"Well..." Grath pushed to his feet. "Let's get a meal and talk about it. So you know, I'm on Nari's side in this too. I also agreed to be your mentor, so let me do that. We'll start with sexuality and end with wards, how's that?"
Almost begrudgingly, Anver stood. "I would never hurt her, Jamik. I hope you know that."
"I didn't realize it was you until I had the knife out," Jamik admitted. "No hard feelings?"
"None," he finally admitted. "I just don't want to make things harder for you. Nari, next time, try praying instead?"
I nodded, but I didn't make any promises. I wouldn't. If Anver needed help, I would still do everything possible to make sure he didn't suffer for my mess.
But once the guys were gone, Jamik leaned a little closer. "Grath a decent kid?"
"We're not kids anymore,Dad."
That earned me a smile. "You kinda are. Trust me, I remember being your age. But is he trustworthy, Nari?"