Wraythe just huffed, letting his body drop back down. "So things between the two of you are ok?"
He sounded honestly concerned. Not generally curious or even jealous about another man sneaking into my shower. Wraythe just asked that as if he was worried about me and if I was ok. It was enough to make me cross the distance between us and crawl onto the bed, claiming the spot against his side.
"He said you called him."
That got another huff. "I was kinda hoping he wouldn't tell you that."
I looked up at his face. "Why?"
Tenderly, he glanced down at me. "Because ever since Choosing, it feels like a million things are coming at you. Not us, just you. When you stormed off to have a shower? I was worried that maybe you'd finally reached the breaking point."
"No," I promised. "I was just mad and needed to let it go. And I didn't do more than kiss him, you know."
That made Wraythe smile. "But you wanted to, huh?"
"He's a god," I gasped, then poked a finger into his side.
He caught my arm but rolled to face me. "I know you can, I'm guessing you will, but what I'm asking is if youwantto do more with him, Nari. Does he make you smile, feel sexy, and all those other things you like?"
"Yeah," I admitted. "Kinda like you do."
"Mm." And he caught the corner of my towel, tugging gently. "Does this mean my girl's all hot and bothered now?"
I just lifted my chin a little more. "Oh, I don't think it would take much at all to get me there."
His arm landed around my back, then Wraythe tugged, pulling me high enough to reach his mouth. Our lips collided and our tongues danced, but this wasn't a hard kiss. He wasn't driving me. Instead, my sweet and gentle giant was letting me decide where this would go, and I wanted more. Twisting, I managed to press him back without pulling my mouth away.
His hands moved to my waist, and my fingers tangled in the short hair at the back of his head. There was something amazing about pinning this man beneath me. I knew it was only because he let me, but it always made me feel so powerful. So desired and beautiful. It was just the way he looked at me, as if he could never quite believe this was happening.
I was the only woman this man had ever kissed. I was the only person he'd slept with. Of all the people in the world, Wraythe was completely and totally mine, and that had been all his decision. He didn't want anyone else - he'd made that clear - and I still couldn't believe I'd gotten this lucky. I'd never seen a body as impressive as his, or a heart as big, and it was all mine.
Our mouths caressed over and over, tasting, sampling, and seducing each other with each pass. My hands slipped lower to tug his shirt free. Without looking, I tried to find the front to open it, but Wraythe just leaned back. A second later, he pulled the whole thing over his head, and my hands went right to his pants. On the upside, he had no boots or socks to worry about.
I didn't even care that I'd lost my towel or that my hair was once again wet and cold when I finally got the chance to be with him. He'd been too patient for far too long, and I wanted to feel his body, to quench this ache in my middle that Zeal had started. I wanted him to kiss a little harder, touch a little lower, and get his fucking pants off faster.
I tugged, he pushed, and without getting out of the bed, he managed to get himself naked. I didn't hesitate before swinging a leg across him and straddling his thighs. My hands immediately moved to the large, hard dick between us, using both to stroke him once. His eyes slipped closed, but he didn't try to stop me. Instead, he grabbed my thigh with one hand, using the other to move us both closer to the headboard.
I squeaked in surprise, which made him chuckle, but he was now mostly sitting up. That made it even easier for him to pull my mouth to his and kiss me all over again. I could feel his hand on my shoulder, another on my leg, moving higher to tease the skin of my back. His touch was so light. His fingers were so wonderfully callused. Everything about him was amazing, sensual, but not elegant, and I loved him more for it.
But my breasts ached for him to touch them. My pulse was throbbing between my legs, driving me to relieve it. I arched my body into Wraythe a little more, the position forcing him to look up to keep kissing me, and ground my pussy against his shaft. The sound he made was amazing, so I did it again, then again.
Both of his hands landed on my ass, spreading me, and then he pulled. He didn't need to say a single thing. I understood. Taking my time, I lowered myself onto him, feeling my body stretch around his impressive size. The look on his face made it feel even better. This big, strong man squeezed his eyes closed and clenched his jaw, but it wasn't enough to stop his moan of pleasure.
Then I heard a matching one from the doorway that made me pause.
"Sorry," Ela said. "I was just coming to check on her. You want me to leave, Wraythe?"
He wasn't askingme. He knew his best friend wasn't an exhibitionist. I'd sucked Wraythe's dick with all of them in the room, but sex? We'd only done that alone. Wraythe's eyes slid down my body, his hands slid up to cradle my breasts, but he didn't answer for a little too long.
Then, "Don't laugh at me."
"Laughing is the last thing I'm gonna do," Ela promised as he pulled off his shirt. "Fuck, you look good naked - and I don't mean her."
I leaned forward again until my mouth was a hair from Wraythe's. "Gorgeous, strong, and amazing," I whispered.
He closed the distance, claiming my lips as his thumbs swept across my breasts. I felt my walls clench at the sensation, and he throbbed inside me in response. That was all the proof I needed that Wraythe was honestly ok with this, so I began to move, slowly sliding higher just to push myself back down.
"Oh, fuck," Ela breathed. "She's stretched so tight around you. I can see your thighs flexing as you push in." Then something hit the ground that sounded like cloth, probably his pants. "She's so wet, and I can see the slickness on your dick."