"Talin, can you help put the couch back in place?" I asked.
A giggle came from the bedroom. This time I could tell that it belonged to Shalsa. "Oh, we're so busted."
I just looked at Jamik with my mouth hanging open. "And where is your desire?"
"With Shalsa's guardian," he admitted, his cheeks turning red quickly. "There was something about Irila needing lingerie, Amerlee saying she would handle it, and then a devious wink. I took that as, um, approval." He cleared his throat and shifted in place. "Did you, uh, need something?"
"Sounds like I need Shalsa. Are you covered yet?!" I raised my voice at the end, calling out to her directly.
A moment later, Shalsa walked out of her bedroom wearing a body-hugging robe. "I was trying not to upset you," she admitted.
"I'm pretty well aware that Jamik's screwing all three of you," I assured her. "I'm also happy for all four of you. Kinda makes me feel like my parents are happy." I moved to sit on their couch - the one that hadn't been knocked out of place. "So, I have an assignment for class this weekend, and it would be right after our lunch with Maela."
"Which lesson?" Shalsa asked, taking the cushion beside me, and sitting on it sideways to face me.
While we got comfortable, Talin had moved the other sofa back where it belonged, and then he headed to Jamik. "You even know where your shirt is?"
"Not exactly," Jamik admitted.
"Go find one," Talin told him. "You're fine."
"I'm dying inside," he grumbled under his breath.
I leaned to watch him go, taking in the lace down my almost-dad's back. It was beautiful and typical for his Path, but seemed small after the marks my guys all wore. Beside me, Shalsa was twisted to do the same, but I had a feeling her eyes weren't on his back. The moment he was in the bedroom, she turned back and proved me right.
"Did you know that man is hung like a horse?"
"Don't want to know," I assured her.
Shalsa just held out her hands shoulder width apart in a clear exaggeration. "And don't worry, we were already done. Just cuddling. That's what took me so long. Cleaning up."
"Maela," I reminded her.
"Right," Shalsa said.
"I already sent her a letter that Nari and I wouldn't be able to come," Talin called over from the kitchen area. "I still want her to feel comfortable with the temple, though. Zeal's made it clear to her that if the Ranndor family doesn't step up, they will be replaced, and I'm pretty sure he's serious."
"She's mentioned that," Shalsa said. "But to do that, she needs to meet the High Priest and speak to him as Lady Ranndor, taking responsibility for the barony. She's not quite ready for that yet. She says she's concerned about how Tath will react."
"My fucking brother," Talin grumbled. "He doesn't remember trying to abuse her, but we do. Zeal stole the memories of that."
"No," I said, waving him down. "Talin, that's probably one time. I'm sure there's been more."
"You think she's been battered?" Shalsa asked.
I could only nod. "Yeah. He came at her when she was holding their son. Why? Because his mistress was pregnant. Shalsa, the Ranndor family is expected to have at least seven children so they can tithe one to the temple."
"And she's not having much luck getting a second," Shalsa realized.
"The first was hard on her," Talin added, bringing a pair of cups to us. "Ladies."
"What do you mean by hard?" Shalsa asked.
"Maela was sick at first. Not normal morning sickness. She was losing weight and could barely eat. She was better for a bit, and then the birth was rough. The entire house was filled with Priests from Compassion for the delivery and every physician the family could get. She was in labor for two full days, and the baby was impressively large. She's not."
"She tore, I bet," Shalsa said.
Talin lowered himself to sit on the coffee table, and then shrugged. "No idea. They don't talk about such things to men, and my brothers had no interest in it. Maybe you can find out?"