"Tath," he corrected. "Please."

I lifted my port and took a healthy drink. "Ok, Tath. May I be disgustingly blunt?"

He lifted a brow, aware I hadn't sipped the liquor like a lady. "Please, Priestess."

"If you're worried about my innocence, that bird has flown. I am a Priestess of Temptation. Your brother is my guardian. He has dressed me, undressed me, and carried my naked body from the pool of Zeal's tears. He knows every line on my skin in a way that no one other than Zeal does. Not even my partner. And if you think I'm either shocked or scandalized by this, then I would like to offer you a tour of the temple your family is tied to."

The man's lips were curling into a devious smile. "Or maybe I had other reasons for thinking you might desire privacy. Such as the tie between the temple and this house."

"Ah, but I am still an initiate, so not allowed to contract sessions until I have graduated to disciple, Tath. That means none of you should think about sneaking in to fuck me. And if you do, regardless of the room, I promise that my guardian will be in attendance. Zeal commands it."

Kanten, the youngest in the room, choked on his drink, sputtering as it burned all the way down. "Well!" he gasped. "Pretty sure Maela wouldn't approve of that!"

"You idiot," Thiemo grumbled. "Sessions with a priestess don't count."

"Would to Maela," Kanten pointed out.

Talin leaned back beside me. "My sister-in-law knows almost nothing about Temptation," he explained.

"Raised in a house of Compassion," I said, proving I already knew. "That baron's... third daughter?"

"Yep," Talin said. "Where is she, anyway?"

"With the baby," Tath said. "Alwayswith the baby."

"Because Tath can't stop poking her," Thiemo joked. "Poor woman probably just wants some sleep."

I had a few ideas of my own, but had no interest in saying a thing. I was also starting to see why Talin despised his family so much. His brothers were coarse and crass, nearly drunk on their own self-importance. Mostly, though, it made me wonder how he'd outgrown it and become such an easy-going man. I had a feeling I'd find out soon enough.

Thankfully, Talin made our excuses as soon as we finished our drinks. When he suggested we meet the rest of the women in the house, Kanten cracked a joke about losing his balls in his Choosing. Talin rolled his eyes, but he was facing so that only I could see. It also made me adore him a little more.

"I will have you know," he told his youngest brother, "that the first thing I learned in the temple is that women are nothing at all like we imagine. Take away the shackles of societal expectations, and they are some of the most ruthless creatures you will ever meet."

"You're scared of the women now?" Thiemo, Talin's middle brother, asked.

Talin smiled at him. "Quite the opposite. I also know that you can't order someone into your bed, Thiemo. If you were smarter, you'd realize that your sisters just might be able to teach you a few things, and then you'd spend less money in the temple."

"I tithe fairly," he snapped.

"And often," Talin said. "Or should I not mention that I know the priestesses you prefer?" He leaned closer. "He's seen Shalsa at least twice that I know of since our Choosing."

I bit my lips together. "Oh, that says so much."

"What?!" Thiemo snapped.

I just tilted my head to the door, letting Talin know we could leave. "She's very skilled in her field," I assured Thiemo. "Good choice."

Behind us, the rest of the guys just laughed, making it clear that the youngest of the Ranndor boys wouldn't be living this down anytime soon. Yet when we reached the hall, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are they always like that?" I asked.

Talin nodded. "This is their idea of polite behavior, Nari. Now do you see why I couldn't stay?"

I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked up into his face. "Know what the best part about being a priest is?"

"What?" he asked.

"We no longer have to follow the rules of polite society. We only have to obey our god." I placed my other hand on his forearm. "Let them see the priest I know, not the little brother they think they do."