"I may know a thing or two about that," Zeal agreed. "But I have a condition, Jamik. Could you request lunch to be brought to the room? I'd like beef. She wants fish."
I just tossed my hands up, giving in. "I have no idea how you do that!"
"I'm a god," Zeal reminded me. "I always know what you desire most. It is my area of expertise, after all."
Jamik turned back for the main room, pausing to clasp Zeal's shoulder like a friend. "Thank you. We really want to make sure the kids have a good holiday this year."
Zeal nodded. "And don't worry, your coin won't run out. I can't make money, but I can shift what is lost to a place that is found." He glanced at me, and then back. "Can you have Wraythe try a few weapons while you're at it?"
"I can," Jamik agreed. "Anything in particular I'm looking for?"
"I want to get him an arm sheath, at least," Zeal told him. "Spring loaded would be best. He made a comment that he feels foolish wearing a small and dainty weapon, like a rapier. So let's see what he does feel comfortable with?" Then the god smiled. "And Eladehl is going to need a cane."
"A cane?" Jamik asked, nodding as if he accepted that, even though he clearly didn't understand the request at all.
"Heavy metal end. I'd prefer it to be shaped like a snake or a rabbit. If you find one with a stiletto in the tip, even better. If not, I will find a way to make it happen, but I'd rather not waste my limited power on what men can make on their own."
"Ok, then I'll find one," Jamik assured him. "Anything for Nari?"
Zeal's eyes flicked back to me. "I spoke with Amerlee about that earlier. Unfortunately, weapons for Priests of the Body are very limited, and must be subtle. I also think Talin is right to make sure my most prized possessions are protected."
"I'm not really a possession," I reminded him.
"You are to me," Zeal said. "It's part of being my priests." Then he patted Jamik's arm. "Tell the men that I have this. There is no need to rush, since Nariana and I have the entire Path of Obligation to go over."
"Thank you, Zeal," Jamik said again before walking out of my room, leaving us together. Alone.
In the main room, I heard him talking to the guys, most likely telling them it was their turn to sneak out for a little shopping. I didn't get the chance to listen, though, because Zeal stepped into the bedroom, making his way closer. The god moved with a purpose, and that look was in his eyes again. The one he'd had on my Choosing Day.
But he stopped a single pace before me, reaching out to pick up the box on my dresser. "For Saval?" he asked, never looking away from me.
I nodded. "Jamik's letting me buy gifts for everyone."
Zeal paused, and we both heard the main door close as the guys finally left. As if that was some sign, he smiled. "And he thinks the other watch is for Anver?"
"It was the best I had," I explained. "But Amerlee promised to give it to him on the Darkest Night."
Zeal nodded. "And you lie with the straightest face. I'm honestly impressed." He tucked the package for the pen into his pocket. "I'll make sure this arrives at the proper time, and I can help you make the watches a little more personal. What are you getting Anver?"
"I don't actually know," I admitted. "I've been thinking about it, and the truth is that I have no idea. He used to be my best friend. He's never truly gone away, and yet he did. I don't want to give him something that's too much or too little."
"Well," he said, reaching down for my hand, only to lift it palm up. "Since I know you can keep a secret, I want to give you your gift early."
And he dropped a small purse in my hand. It wasn't much, just a deep purple velvet bag with a drawstring top. It also felt like it held a few coins in it. I could feel the outline of them on my palm.
"A coin purse?" I asked.
He canted his head. "For all those coins that others lose. You hate that you have to ask others to spend their money for you. They don't mind, but you do. Don't worry, Eladehl, Wraythe, and Talin will all get the same thing, but they can wait for the Darkest Night. You, I think, need this now."
"Thank you," I said softly, moving the purse to my pocket. "You are good to me, Zeal. I suppose I can be your possession."
"You agreed to that when you surrendered, Nari." His voice was just a little deeper. "I've always been a jealous god. I took what I wanted, refusing to share it with anyone else - but somehow, you make this better. You gave yourself to me so easily..." He stepped a little closer. "And then you convinced your three lovers to do the same. It seems I enjoy having a group."
"I find it hard to believe that the God of Temptation has never been the center of attention," I teased.
His hand raised to guide my hair behind my ear. "Oh, I never said that. However, I am not the one who is the center of attention here. You are, and that is a new experience."
He was so close. Those beautiful multi-colored eyes of his held mine trapped, unable to look away. His perfect lips were right there, within reach, and his voice had shifted to that rumble that made my pulse quicken. Maybe it was because I knew we were alone. Possibly, it was simply the allure of Temptation. Either way, I never consciously made a decision.