"Need an escort?" Talin offered.

I waved him down. "It's four doors down. I'm good. I'll also be gone until dinner, so go practice!"

"Which means," Wraythe said softly, "that our girl's already working on a plan."

"Just the start of one," I assured them, heading to the door. "Because I'm not a Priestess of the Body. My Path is all of Temptation, and my duty is to save the gods. I'm Zeal's Chosen. Time to make sure people know the difference."

Chapter 35


As soon as I told Amerlee I'd been invited to the baron's home for the winter holidays, she sprang into action. We made a list of the clothes I'd need - which basically consisted of me admitting what I didn't have and her deciding what she'd order to make sure I was prepared. That included luggage, since an extended visit would require a way to transport everything I needed.

The next week, she took me shopping. Jamik and Talin followed us as our silent guardians. Nalph, the tailor Jamik had introduced me to, was more than happy to handle all of my clothing needs. Purple was deemed an appropriate color, since black would be considered too stark for most society functions. After all, purple was the color of the gods. Teal represented the goddesses, but I was devoted to Zeal, so didn't need to worry about that.

He also made a point of inspecting the mark of Zeal on my chest. Very carefully, he copied the five-headed snake, saying he would have it added to as many articles as possible. After that, the four of us made a trip further into town. We stopped at one place to purchase a selection of luggage. The shop owner was so excited to serve Priests of Temptation that he discounted the set we were looking at. But before Amerlee could pay, Talin passed over the coin to cover the cost.

Those two shared a look; Amerlee smiled, then nodded in acknowledgement. Jamik just patted Talin's shoulder in a sign of approval. Then Talin surprised me a little more, asking the shopkeeper if the sign of Zeal could be added to my luggage. He promised it would be done elegantly.

The week after that, Amerlee and I went shopping without Talin - but he sent money in his place. This time, it was Jamik and Wraythe with us, because we were buying presents. For Talin's brother, we picked out an elegant flask. The exterior was black and smooth. The interior would be filled with a liquor few ever got to taste. I'd need Zeal's help for that, but it was the kind of present a man of his station would be honored by.

For the baron's wife, we selected an elegant crystal perfume bottle with a black atomizer. Again, I would need Zeal's help, but Amerlee said that when she was a girl, a certain priestess wore a scent she swore was designed by the gods. One that had the power of Temptation in it. If Zeal couldn't help me with the necessary fluids, then she had a backup plan, but we both knew he would.

While she arranged to have that paid for and boxed, Jamik called me to the back of the store. There, he was leaning over the jewelry cabinet. Beneath him were a selection of pocket watches.

"Hey," he asked, dropping his voice. "Since you're making a show of this, I had an idea for your guys."

"Ok?" I asked, following his finger when he tapped on the glass.

"See the black watch? If you'd like, I'll come back later, order three of them, and have the five-headed snake engraved on the back. That way, you won't show favoritism, but it will also be something they can treasure for a long time."

"Jamik," I groaned, "I don't have the money for this."

He glanced up at me. "What else are dads for, Nari? If you think the two of us don'talwaysplan for you, then you're a fool. We have funds set aside so you can do things like this. Let us make it happen?"

"You really don't mind?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Amerlee is having the time of her life."

"Ok," I agreed. "But can you make it four of them?"

He chuckled. "Who gets the other?"

"Not telling." I leaned closer and bumped his shoulder. "And since we're whispering together about gifts where no one's listening, would it be out of line to ask how things are going?"

"Slowly," he assured me. "And good." He cleared his throat. "Um, I'm no longer a virgin, how's that?"

"That's better than good," I whispered.

He nodded slowly. "Well, since you won't be here this year, Amerlee intends to be in the display with Shalsa. Irila and I will be a part of the guards stopping anyone from trying to join in, but once the show is done? We'll be spending the rest of the night together." A smile flickered over his lips. "For the first time."

I wrapped my arm around his back. "Excited?"

"Terrified," he admitted. "I assure you that keeping one woman happy is intimidating.Three?They're going to kill me, Nari."

"Well, Wraythe and Eladehl will be more than willing to spoil you. Dinner orders, standing in as a guardian for Amerlee, or anything else you need. Please ask them?"

"Not even if I'm dying," he said. "There is no way I'm admitting to anyone else that I'm living every man's dream and unable to keep up." Then he tapped the glass again, getting me back on track. "Four of them. Anything else?"