"More than the lines on my back?" I asked.
Anver smiled. "Dunno. Maybe the next time you're laying naked with her, you should look. I suggest you check Obligation first." Then he left.
"Still need a study partner," I called after him.
He waved a hand over his shoulder, his feet aimed for another set of equipment. "I'll be there."
Lurel just pushed out a breathy laugh. "And that was not at all what I expected. Is he a freak or something?"
"Nope. That man's quickly becoming a god's best friend." I scrubbed at my face. "As for Cal? He's going to do whatever he's going to do. Look, I'm sorry I never figured it out when we were younger."
"It?" she asked.
"That you loved him. That I was in your way. That I was so full of my own self-importance that I couldn't see past the end of my nose."
She leaned closer, letting her head flop against my shoulder. "You were always nice to me, Talin. More than anyone else. I had no idea that Cal loved you for your family ties. I honestly thought you two had something special, and I didn't want to ruin that."
I curled my arm around her back. "I kinda thought we did too. I'm just glad you told me he was fucking around."
"But never with me," she said. "When you two split, I was actually excited. Thought I'd finally get a chance - and he still didn't notice. Not until I matched him, and he seemed honestly shocked that I cared that much."
"Is he good to you?" I asked.
She nodded. "He actually is. I think he did love you, though. More than just your title. I think he fell in love with you and didn't realize it because he wants so badly to make something of himself. I honestly believe that's why he paired up with your desire. He was hoping to make you see how much you missed him."
"But I don't," I told her. "Lurel, I'm in love with her, and quickly falling for her partner."
"And that's going to tear you apart," she warned me. "I've been wearing this ring long enough to know that much. Adore them. Protect them. Do not ever hope for more, ok?"
Which proved that her ring hadn't been nullified. Maybe Zeal had removed the pain for that one night, but he clearly hadn't broken her ring the way he had Irila's. He hadn't made it useless like mine. Which meant she deserved to know that was an option.
"I slept with her." I said, looking over to meet her eyes. "When we got back. When Cal left her wanting, I finished her off."
She sat up. "What?"
I just nodded. "Zeal spoils her. Gives her anything she wants. That includes making sure that neither my ring nor Wraythe's work. I'm fucking Eladehl too."
She smiled and looked across the room to where Wraythe was flexing under a massive load of weights. "What about him?"
"He's not into guys. Well, not sexually. He's great for cuddling, though. I think we're actually friends."
Lurel glanced at me with a little giggle. "You know, growing up, you always knew that you were the one people wanted to associate with. Your entire perception was based around who you allowed in your circle. Now? Kinda sounds to me like you're the guy straining to reach something higher."
"Lurel, they don't give a shit who my brother is. None of them are impressed that I was the baron's seventh child. For the first time in my life, I've found people who like me just because I'm me - and I can't get enough of it. With or without the god being involved. The truth is that I honestly feel like I fit with them. Like I've finally found my real home."
"Family," she said. "That guy said the thing she wanted from Zeal was a family. Pretty sure he didn't mean parents."
Movement at the door made me look over, surprised to see one of Nari's mentors, Saval, walk in. "I think," I told Lurel, "he meant people willing to love her. Excuse me. I have a feeling that priestess is here for me."
Chapter 33
"Priestess Saval," I greeted Nari's mentor for the Path of the Word. "Is there a problem?"
The woman smiled at me kindly. "Only a bit of one. The High Priest has finally looked at your request for the black powder pistols. He wants to talk to you."
"Ok," I agreed. "I didn't think he'd want to see me again. When's my appointment?"