I began easing his coat off, and he helped, letting it fall on the floor behind him. "I can't promise you won't be sore tomorrow," I said, moving to his vest, "but I can guarantee that you won't care." Then I started releasing his ascot. "And I won't even tie you up with this."
"Next time," he teased, letting his finger trip down my belly button, moving lower. But it stopped just above my dick. "I've never seen a mark like that. Tattoo?"
"No." I opened the last three buttons and pushed his shirt down his arms before letting go to show him the full symbol he was talking about. The five-headed snake lay over a pair of grey triangles, both pointing downward. "That's the sign of Zeal's most devoted. I am the Temptation."
"Yeah, you are," he agreed.
I turned him toward the bed. "That's how you know this is a good idea. Lie face down." I headed toward the table, aiming for the lube.
His guardian was there, offering it to me without a word. The guy - whose name I didn't know and wouldn't ask - met my eyes and nodded once. That, more than anything else, convinced me I was doing the right thing. Part of me wanted to shove this man around, but I had a feeling his pride wouldn't handle that well. I knew mine wouldn't if the situation was reversed, and his guardian had just let me know I was handling him properly.
I still kicked off my shoes, leaving them beside the table. As I crossed the room, I lost my shirt, not caring where it fell. At the edge of the bed, I stripped from my pants, leaving my underwear inside, and hooked my socks when I slipped the mess off my ankles. Completely naked, I made my way onto the bed behind him, already pouring a handful of lube into my cupped palm.
"That is a nice ass," I said, leaning over to bite the fullness of it gently.
Osas chuckled and lifted his hips. Just the position I needed. A few seconds in my hand was enough to warm the oil, so I let it dribble down his seam, teasing him with the sensation before swiping my hands together to grease the other. Then, my right hand found his balls, and my left began to play with his ass.
I felt him tense, his body turning stiff beneath my touch. "I got you," I promised, moving my right hand partially up his shaft. "Close your eyes, Osas, and moan for me. Let me know what you like most."
Then I began to explore. Stroking his dick earned me a deep groan. Teasing his ass didn't - until I pressed. He didn't make a sound, but I felt his dick pulse in my grip, the reaction one he couldn't fake. I didn't need him to get tense on me, but I also didn't want to get him off before I was inside him. Yet when my thumb slipped into his ass, I realized he wasn't fighting me. The breath that fell from his lips was filled with relief.
Then I began to fuck him with my hand. Each press went a little deeper. Each time I withdrew, I stretched him a little more. Over and over, I teased, taunted, and showed him what was possible until he started pressing back into me.
Without stopping, I managed to get more lube, pouring it straight across my dick. I rubbed that in while Osas focused on my hand, still playing with him just enough to make him need more. Then I traded, replacing my thumb with the head of my dick, tormenting him with just my hard, aching head.
"Deeper," he begged.
"You want it," I said, "then you have to take it."
He pushed back, lifting onto his hands and knees. The movement was just enough to get me in, and I'd been liberal with the lube. As I felt my dick pass through the ring, I kept going, leaning down to wrap my arm around his chest.
"Oh fuck," he breathed. "That's..."
"Me," I whispered, lifting him up so he was kneeling, his back up against my chest. My lips beside his ear. "You're so fucking tight. So hot. So good, Osas. Does this hurt?"
"No," he panted, letting me hold him up.
"That's my man." And I pulled back, knowing the new angle of his body was about to make miracles. Then I carefully pushed into him again. "I'm going to take very good care of you."
Deep inside a man, there's a spot that can make them come undone. I knew I'd found it when his head leaned back and the man who'd been willing to throw me against a wall turned to putty in my arms. Again, then again, I pumped into him, able to see down his body, watching his dick bounce with each thrust.
And he gave himself to me. His hand reached back, clasping my thigh to ask for more. He didn't demand. His touch was almost pleading, unsure and more gentle than I'd expected. In this moment, I knew I had him. He was mine to do with as I pleased. Right now, I could break him. I could ruin him for any other man, securing my place in his thoughts for all eternity.
Or I could show him that giving in could be better. That he deserved to be cared for sometimes too. That it was ok to melt into my arms, because I was strong enough to hold him, to make him feel so good. Everyone deserved to know this moment. My kindness was a stronger leash than cruelty could ever be for him. I'd forced this man to submit, and now I was praising him for doing it. Teaching him.
Showing him that the line between pain and pleasure wasn't always as simple as he believed. I'd wounded his pride to please his body. I'd broken him down just to build him back up. I didn't need a whip, a rope, or shame to do it. Just promises. The kind that spoke into a man's soul, bound with my arms holding him so tightly.
"You like that, don't ya?" I asked, pausing to kiss his neck.
"I'm so close," he growled.
So I pumped him just a little harder, thrusting myself a bit deeper. Over and over, moving faster and faster, until his body tensed, his back flexed, and his ass gripped me so fucking tight I couldn't help but come. Shoving my face against his shoulder, I growled with the force of his orgasm wringing mine out with it, and I saw the ropes of his cum splatter against the black sheets.
Osas reached back, grabbing my shoulder for support. "Shit," he panted. "Oh fuck."
"I got you," I promised, easing myself out of him. "That's my man." And I lowered him onto the bed with me, moving away from the mess he'd just made. "By Zeal, you look good when you come."
He laughed softly, leaning his head against the bed. "That was not at all what I expected tonight."