"I'll be fine," I promised him.
He grunted. "And you have that look again. The one Nari makes go away."
Yep, I could feel it. I was also embracing it. "I got this," I assured him just as we reached the door.
Then I knocked. The door opened to reveal another guardian. The man ran his eyes over me, then looked at Wraythe and did the same. It wasn't an appreciative kind of inspection, but rather checking for weapons. Too bad for him, my guardian didn't need them.
"Come in, Priest Eladehl," the guy said, completely ignoring Wraythe.
I stepped into the room and glanced around to get my bearings. Like most of the temple, the walls were white marble, the bricks fitted together so smoothly that it almost looked like a single piece. The floor was made of the same. A dark wood table was placed at the side with a basin, a stack of cloths, and a bottle of a clear oil. Lubricant. Sitting in the chair facing me was Osas. The man was reclined lazily, his legs splayed open, and the other chair was pulled out as if it had recently held his guardian.
But I kept looking, taking in the bare walls, student-sized bed, and fresh black sheets. The space was just enough for three people, and the fourth made it feel crowded. When that was a guy Wraythe's size, it was even worse.
"You look nice, Osas," I greeted him.
He smiled, letting his eyes run over me. "Not what I expected, Eladehl. You really are as smug as you pretend, aren't ya?"
"You have no idea," I promised. "Should I have brought wine?"
Osas reached into his coat and pulled out a small flask. "I prefer something a little harder. Did you need some courage?"
Those words tickled the darkest urges inside me, and the last hint of my nervousness vanished. "No, but it looks like you do. I assumed you'd been with a man before."
"Mm," he said, the answer giving me nothing. "And I suppose you haven't. Not with that pretty little girl you call a partner."
"Then you'd be wrong." I took a step closer and reached for his flask, only to set it across the table, out of his reach. "Don't worry, I don't bite that hard."
His breath caught and hung for a moment as my words settled into his mind. Then Osas pushed himself out of the chair. "So that's how you want it, huh?" I'd just rubbed his ego the wrong way. "Aren't you pretty boys supposed to be a little more desperate?"
"Wrong kind of pretty," I assured him.
In one step, he was on me, his hand landing at the base of my throat a split second before his mouth crashed into mine. I kissed back just as hard. This man wanted me because he was tired of always being the strong one, but his pride wouldn't let him be the bitch. He had no idea how to ask for what he wanted. Instead, he thought he had to fight for it, assuming the way he looked on the outside had locked him into a role that limited what he was allowed to need when the door was closed.
I could tell by the hesitant way his tongue met mine. The softness of his mouth. The way his hand gripped me so tight was at odds with the way he kissed. He thought he had to take control, but his body said he was tired of it. I just had to give him the chance to realize it.
Leaning into him, I reached up for the back of his neck, pulling him against me harder. From the angle, I knew we were about the same height, but he had at least fifty pounds on me. So when I pulled, he followed, driving me backwards step by step. The whole time, I used my tongue to fuck his mouth, tasting the whiskey he'd been drinking from that flask.
When my back hit the wall, Osas leaned in. The fist around my neck tightened as he pulled his lips away. "Stubborn, aren't you?" he growled.
"You have no idea," I assured him. "Where's this going, babe?"
He pressed his hips against mine and slowly thrust upward, making it clear he was already hard. "Tell me, pretty boy, are you a screamer?"
"I bet you are," I breathed. "I bet the moment I press into your ass, you're biting the pillows and whimpering." I felt his hand tighten, but ignored it. "Have you ever felt how good it is to come without touching your dick at all? Want to?"
"I don't bottom," he whispered.
I slid my hand up, across his expensive shirt. "I'll be gentle, Osas."
He was breathing hard, his deep brown eyes shifting from one of mine to the other, proving he was thinking about it. "I picked you because guys like you - "
"Shh," I breathed, cutting him off. "The door is closed. I'm sure one of our men even locked it." And I let my hand slide down his body until I reached his waistband. Then I pushed my hand inside it. "Guys like me are dangerous toys to play with."
"I could break you," he warned.
"Mhm." My hand found his shaft, but his pants were too tight to grab it. Instead, I simply caressed his length. "So just once, give yourself what you really want. Take it, Osas. No one ever needs to know except us." I reached his balls and cupped them. "Unless you're too scared."
With a growl, he slammed me against the wall, and I didn't fight him. I wondered how many times he'd been in the same place I had with Talin. Wanting it so bad, but terrified to tell his partner. Desperate to feel that vulnerability, convinced it would be the biggest mistake of his life, yet unable to think about anything else.