"Because of their ring?" Oryll asked, and the guy nodded. "Too bad. They will have to learn, and better with your fellow students than a patron. At leasttheyare not being graded on their performance, but you will be if you pause to pamper them."

I leaned closer to Eladehl. "So we get to be locked together in a session room, huh?"

"Yep," he said, looking over slyly. "And they have to watch. Which one do you think will break his composure first?"

"Wraythe," I said. "Without a doubt."

Eladehl nodded, but Oryll saw us. "You two!" he snapped. "This lesson is to experienceotherpartners, so you will not be allowed to pair up. Each of you needs to find a new person to experience pleasure with."

"Wait," Eladehl said. "Does that mean you're checking everyone to make sure they're banging someone new?"

Oryll's eyes narrowed at him. "Are you saying you're unable to perform yourduty, Priest Eladehl?"

"I'm saying you're trying to make us into an example again. Not my fault that we partnered early - or that we were approved." He shrugged. "But if you want us to screw someone else? Well, I can promise that whoever can convince Nari he's worthy of her time? Lucky man."

Oryll watched him for a second too long. "You seem oddly ok with this idea. Is your partnership really as strong as you pretend?"

Eladehl crossed his arms and leaned back. "Are you available, Priest Oryll? Because I would hit your ass so hard you'd cry. I mean, Ghale might get a little jealous, so I'd probably get a fail just because he hates me, but I'm down for it."

"I am a Priest of theWord," Oryll insisted. "So no. Never mind that I would not engage in such things with my students."

Yet the man was flustered. The entire class could see it. That made me feel a little better, but my mind was spinning, trying to decide who in my class I'd be willing to havesexwith. I didn't really know any of them, and I didn't actually want to. Still, I knew that one day we'd be expected to work with people who weren't our partners, but I'd hoped for a little more time.

Eladehl held Oryll's eyes, daring the man to push him. "Shame. Guess that means I'm available, people. Feel free to make me an offer."

"Ela," I whispered at him.

He just smiled at me. "Think I should fuck a guy or a girl?"

"I'm always down to hear about you with some guy," I admitted. "But a girl might be a better idea, because I'm not sure if I'd be jealous, and I'd kinda like to know sooner rather than later, so we can work through it."

He just cupped my face, letting his thumb trail across the line of my cheek. "I don't think you know how, beautiful. One of the things I like most about you. Should I let you pick?"

I shook my head even as Oryll tried to change the topic to approaching a person we might be interested in. "Definitely not," I said. "I kinda want to see what turns you on. I also have a feeling you'll be getting alotof offers when class is over."

"Mm," he said, leaning back to pay attention to our teacher again.

"Just remember," Oryll told us all, "that no means no. Before you have your session, you should discuss limits. Things you know you like or do not. Things you have never tried and your interest in them. And you will need to set up a signal with your guardian so he or she knows when to step in. I should warn you that anyone hauled out by their partner's guardian will automatically fail, and may be demoted to the Path of Action."

"It used to be Obligation, back before Choosing," I mumbled. "Now it's Action."

"Because they can't exactly kick us out without making it a big deal," Eladehl replied. "So demoting us is the safest threat they have. Now that we have a Path, one step lower is just as bad as all the way to the bottom. As kids, some of us wanted Action, so it wouldn't have been a punishment. Plus, this is a threat they can actually follow through with, but which wouldn't cause a stir outside the temple."

"So," Oryll said, with more emphasis, "I'll give you the last half hour of class to meet your fellow students and approach anyone you're interested in."

A split-second later, a hand tapped Eladehl's shoulder. "You sure you're ok with this?" he asked.

Eladehl and I both turned to find a rather handsome man leaning between us. "Oh, I'm sure," Eladehl said.

The guy grinned. "I'm Calvor. Second-year initiate." And his eyes shifted to me. "Was wondering if you'd be willing to talk."

Ela pushed himself to his feet. "I feel so used," he exclaimed, pressing a hand to his heart. "Got my hopes up and everything." But he smiled at me. "He's cute."

"Yes, he is. Could be a complete idiot though." I didn't care that the guy was listening. "I assume this means you're on the hunt?"

"Making myself more available," Eladehl assured me. "I don't hunt, Nari. They come to me. Don't give in too easily."

Then he squeezed past me, heading for the aisle. Calvor chuckled, waiting for Eladehl to reach the end of the row before the guy simply stepped over the back of a chair and stole Eladehl's seat. And cute was putting it mildly. He had sandy brown hair, grey eyes with thick, dark lashes, and a short beard. His chest was broad, his body lean, and he knew how to show it all off.