"Then dumped him on us," Eladehl said, offering his ice-filled rag to Harlin. "I think you need this more than me."

"Yeah," Harlin agreed, "and to get caught up. That was really Zeal? He doesn't really seem..."

"Like a god," I finished, understanding completely. "And yet he is. That isourgod, Harlin, and I have a feeling he's the most human of the lot. I'm just not really sure what exactly he needs from us yet."

"Faith," Harlin said, as if the answer should be obvious. "I have a feeling our god wants a relationship with his priests again."

Chapter 23


Breaking Harlin's nose was enough to destroy my anger about my grade. It felt like there'd been a second lesson in all of that, and one meant just for me. Anger only caused pain. I'd wanted to spar to get it out, and instead, I'd managed to punch Eladehl in the chin and break Harlin's nose. I was done with caring about it. I'd failed the test but not the class, so I'd just do better on the next one.

But Eladehl was still annoyed by it. He thought I should go talk to Saval and file a formal complaint. I thought that pulling Saval into it would only get me back in front of the High Priest, which was a place I didn't really want to be. Regardless, I was exhausted, tired of the stupidity, the long weekend, and even the stress of having broken Harlin's nose. I was just completely wiped out.

So we had a late dinner with the guys, and then all of us headed to our own rooms to sleep. I kinda hated that part, truth be told, but it made sense. My bed wasn't really big enough for all of us. We could fit, and often made it happen, but Wraythe did take up a lot of room. The best part was that I didn't crawl into bed alone. I was barely under the covers before Eladehl slid in on his side.

"Closer," he demanded, thrusting out his arm.

I slid up against his side, resting my head on his shoulder. "How's your chin?"

He lifted his arm around my back to play with the ends of my hair. "I'm fine, beautiful. I'm just pissed that they can't see how amazing you are."

"I'm not that amazing, Ela. I'm just the girl with too much lace."

"Zeal doesn't agree," he countered, "and neither do I." He turned to kiss the top of my head. "To watch you go from kneeling so submissively before me in class to beating the shit out of a guardian? That's impressive. It's amazing, Nari." Then he paused. "Huh."

"What doesthatmean?" I asked.

"I just figured out something Talin told me." And he turned on his side to face me. "Remember how I was worried about him thinking I was some girly bitch for wanting him to fuck me?"

I nodded, my head now against the pillow instead of his arm. "But I assumed that worked out since youbothwere walking funny."

"Yeah, because he said there's something very appealing about making someone strong submit. Not as much for making someone weak give in. Not his exact words, but that was what he meant. It's like the idea of beating down Tishlie as compared to Ciella. Tishlie's pathetic. She wants to be so important, but she'll never get there. Ciella is just a cruel bully. Breaking her? That would feel so good. Breaking Tishlie would just make me feel bad for her."

I chuckled, understanding exactly what he meant. "Yeah. So does that mean Talin has a thing for shoving you around or something?"

"No." He huffed, proving I was so wrong it didn't even deserve more. "It's more that I liked seeing you like that. On your knees, sucking back a dick. Granted, it was sexier with Wraythe. You couldn't see his face, but I could. The man was at your mercy, yet you were the one on your knees." Reaching up, he carefully pushed my hair over my ear. "It makes me feel like I'm not keeping up with you, though."

"I promise you are. Ela, I never would've been able to pass that test without you!"

"And how much do you hate it?" he asked.

I wasn't quite following. "I don't."

"I mean being held there, forced to do what we want with you." His hand made another pass. "Us ganging up on you, or pleasing ourselves with your body. That doesn't make you feel... I dunno, something?"

"It's hot." I shifted closer to press my forehead against his chest. "It feels like I can let go for a moment. Like I get to be the desired thing. Like something about me makes allthreeof you lose your minds, and I'm never forgotten. It kinda feels more like I'm worshipped. Like I'm some drug and you all need your fix. It's a turn on."

"Yeah?" He lifted my head up, forcing me to look at him. "Wraythe said you like to be manhandled, but he's a little scared of hurting you."

"I'm not fragile!"

"You look like you are." His hand slid down my neck, his fingers teasing the skin. "You're so delicate. Those big golden eyes. Your full, sensual lips that look so good around a cock. Your lean little body and those long legs? You look like you couldn't hold me back if I tried to have my way with you."

I slid a hand up his chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath my palm. "I can't think of a reason I'd want to."

He began to trace a line just beneath my collar bone. "Still sore?"