"Herlover," Eladehl insisted, "didn't feel any teeth either. Not on her dildo, and not when it was a real dick in her throat. I'm protesting her grade!"

"Only she can do that," Oryll told him.

"ThenI'mprotesting it," I snapped.

All around us, the class was buzzing with excitement. Voices grew louder, sounding like a hive of insects, but I wouldn't just let this go. Only one other student had done as well as we had, and she'd been given an excellent. Most had at least choked, and only a few had managed to get their lips against the balls.

Oryll didn't seem to care. "Fine. Submit a complaint to the High Priest about your grade." He crossed his arms over his chest. "But the assignment was to swallow it yourself, not with the help of your partner. This is about learning how to give fellatio, not simply kneel there like a wet rag." He licked his lips, but it didn't soften his glare. "Learn how to handle disappointment gracefully, Nariana. Now,next!"

Huffing out my frustration, I stormed up the far aisle. Eladehl was right on my heels. Yet when I slowed to shuffle back over to my chair, a girl touched my arm, pausing me.

"You deserved an excellent," she said.

The guy behind her nodded. "It was a good display. Like something you should do on the Darkest Night."

"Thank you," I told them, trying to smile at their kindness through my irritation. "He didn't say we had to do it any specific way."

"No, he didn't." The words came from the back wall, raised to reach me. "And he clearly doesn't understand the Path of Temptation."

My eyes immediately jumped to the speaker and found Anver. A muscle in his jaw tensed. So did every line of his body, including the fists clenched at the end of his crossed arms, proving he was as pissed as I was. Then there was the dark-skinned man beside him, dressed like a guardian, with fury on his face. The one Anver seemed to know was there. The man who also happened to be a god.

"Keep walking," Eladehl whispered. "All the way to your seat. Do not make a scene."

"Eladehl..." I breathed.

"I know. I saw him too." And he leaned closer, lowering his voice. "I also saw Tishlie turn around to glare. I have a feeling those words weren't his, but they were meant to be heard by everyone."

"He's - "

"Iknow," Eladehl grumbled, refusing to let me stop until we were both in our seats. Then he pressed his mouth right beside my ear. "And most people can only see a gap between Anver and the next guy. Do not give them reasons to doubt your sanity, Nari. Oryll's already looking for an excuse to get rid of you, and that's averygood one. Just let the class think you were startled to see an old friend."

I turned to meet Eladehl's eyes. "I am. Both of them. And I'm dying to know why they're together."

"According to Talin, it's because Zeal's lonely. I have a feeling Anver is too."

I just shook my head. "I think it's more than that. That's Zeal's way of saying Anver's on our side, Ela."

He smiled at the shortened form of his name. "You should call me that more often."

I groaned in annoyance. "Did you hear the rest of what I said?"

"Nope. I just heard you use my nickname, and I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy." But his smile was a little too devious. "Ok, maybe I did. But did you ever really doubt it? Do you honestly think Anver would ever hurt usintentionally?"

I had to pause, because he was right. It made it a lot harder to be mad at the man who'd broken my heart. The one who'd left me for another woman. The guy who'd made me feel like I wasn't enough for him.

The man I still missed far too much.

Chapter 22


When class was finally over, the group of us headed straight back to our suite, changed into something we could move in, and then headed down to the Salle. I was still a little sore from my exciting weekend, but not enough to prevent me from working out. I was also pissed and needed a way to vent.

Jamik and Irila were already there, getting in their own training. We were early, but it seemed they were too. Not wanting to interrupt them, the four of us paired up. Wraythe set up with Talin, which left Eladehl and me to trade mock-blocks with each other. Easier said than done, because I wanted to actually hit someone.

And Eladehl was more than willing to take the beating. "C'mon," he breathed, after I'd landed a solid kick to his leg. "You can do better than that. Stop babying me, Nari."

That was all I needed to hear. I put a little more weight into my punches, and began to lean into the kicks. But Eladehl knew what he was doing. He blocked. He dodged. Most of all, he let me burn it out. Over and over, I came at him, and each time he let me have the advantage, knowing I was fighting against the injustice of being failed simply because I'd done things my own way.