Talin's eyes jumped to me. "I have a new understanding of sore. You?"

"I hurt all over," I admitted, aiming for one of the chairs.

"What did youdo, Wraythe?" he asked.

"The workout," I answered before Wraythe could. "I think even my hair hurts."

As if that was some kind of cue, the door to the bathroom opened and Eladehl shuffled out. He held his shirt in his hand and his pants were still open, but he looked like he'd shaved. His eyes jumped to all of us, then he shook his head.

"We look like shit, you know that, right?"

"Thanks," Wraythe told him. "No, really. I'm happy to be lumped in that group."

"You look worried," Eladehl told him. "And from the way you're hovering over her, I know you got your cherry popped."

"Nothing topop," I reminded him.

Eladehl just groaned. "It's a phrase, Nari. Figurative."

"It's a phrase representing the fact that most men are too anxious and tear a woman's pussy up just to get off," I corrected. "Cherry is blood, and popping is the stupid belief that hymens are meant to break, not stretch. Pick a new one."

"I made love to my girl," Wraythe said, ending the debate. "Now I'm taking care of my family. So, on a scale of 'kill me now' to 'walk slowly,' where are you two?"

Talin turned to lean his hip against the dresser. "I'm about a 'don't make me jog, but I can fake it if I have to.'"

"I'm shooting for something around 'small steps,' with a side of 'I'm going to milk this for a bit,'" Eladehl said. "Nari? You?"

"I'm a solid 'kill me now,' but mostly because of my shoulders." I shrugged. "My core's somewhere between 'so that happened' and 'I'm not gonna spread my legs for a bit.'"

Wraythe was nodding. "Then I'm spoiling all of you. Breakfast?"

"Starving," Eladehl said as he finished dressing. "And if anyone asks, I'm stealing Nari's excuse for why we all hurt."

Wraythe just pulled open the door, letting Eladehl leave first. When Talin motioned for him to go ahead, the big guy grunted and followed his ward out. Talin grabbed his key from the table, then we left, pausing to lock his room behind us before he tucked the key into his pocket.

"You good?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just giving them some space to talk about us. Ela wants to make sure Wraythe's ok too."

I noticed the nickname. "When did you start shortening his name?" I asked.

Talin glanced down and shrugged. "Last night, I think. I've heard Wraythe use it a million times, and it kinda fits. I like him, Nari."

"Good. He likes you too."

He nodded. "Yeah, but how do you feel about all of this? Me, him. You, Wraythe. Me, you. I mean, you alwaysseemto be ok with it, but I've never really thought to ask before."

I paused as we passed another priestess, smiling at her in greeting. When we were a few steps away, I dropped my voice so she wouldn't hear. "I've never really known anything else. I've been with those two for years, and it's always been us against the world. Not once did I ever feel like there had to be a line."

"Yeah, but both of them adoring you, and Eladehl spending the night with someone else? Not the same," he said. "One makes you the center of attention, while the other means you have to share."

"He's always wanted to be a Priest of the Body," I reminded Talin. "That meant he would sleep with a lot of people. I'm ok with that." Then I glanced over. "I'm not sure how I'd feel about Wraythe, though. I know it's not fair, but he's always made me feel special, because he simply doesn't care about anyone else. Well, except his best friend, but that's not the same."

"No, I'm with ya," Talin promised. "And the fact that he can't tell anyone his ring... you know." He glanced back, making sure no one was close enough to hear. "Doesn't work. So it's pretty much not going to happen. What if it did, though?"

"I'd probably ask you to remind me why I shouldn't be selfish."

He curled his arm around my shoulders, hugging me to his side. "So, you're honestly ok if I happen to like your partner too?"