"Ela isnotmy desire," I told her. "He's my ward, and that's the term I'm using." But I did manage to pull my shirt over my head and toss it with hers.
"Ok," she said, leaning back to soak her hair, "that's one thing I don't get. You're not into menat all, but you're ok with watching him have sex with them?"
"It's hot." Giving up, I pushed my pants off and motioned for her to move over.
I also tried very hard to ignore the fact that my dick was partially hard. Nari didn't. Her eyes dropped right to it, the corner of her lip curled higher, and she slid over so I could claim the side. Yet the moment I was in the water, she slid back toward me and leaned back, all but forcing my arms around her naked body.
"That is not an answer," she said. "If it's hot, then you like men. Right?"
"I think sex is erotic," I said, leaning just a bit toward her ear. "I think men can be attractive - like Eladehl and Talin - but I don't want to do anything with them. Kinda like you can see a woman is pretty, but you aren't longing to have sex with her. I also happen to like the forbidden arousal of watching people do something that shouldn't be watched. I like the way the bodies move, the hands grasping and mouths parted. I like..." I nudged her forward for a moment to let my dick find a more comfortable position, then pulled her back against it. "I guess I like watching."
"Like Anver?" she asked.
"No," I said around a laugh. "I like touching too. I really like the feel of a woman in my arms. Well, I guess you, since you're the only woman I've felt."
She turned to face me, stretching her legs out behind her. "I guess it's like how I think it's sexy to watch Eladehl and Talin kissing?"
"Yeah, kinda. And it gets you going, and then you want to do a little touching of your own, right?"
Lifting an arm out of the water, she draped it around my neck. "I happen to like touching."
"And," I reminded her, "you are going to be stiff and sore if you don't soak those aches out, so turn that sexy little ass of yours back around, get your shoulders under the hot water, and pass me your shampoo."
"You're going to wash..." She let the sentence trail off.
"Your hair," I finished. "While you relax for just a few minutes. Think of it as aftercare, ok?"
"I've only ever had one person wash my hair," she admitted before passing over the shampoo. "Amerlee, when I was first surrendered. Zeal tried, but we were interrupted."
"Dunk," I said, pouring a handful of the stuff into my hand. Then I added a little more, because Nari had alotof hair. When she scooted back into place, I smeared it across her locks and began working it into a lather. "I kinda like your hair," I said. "I love touching it, love when it flops on me, and always want to run my fingers through it."
She let out a little moan and leaned back against me, finally relaxing like I wanted. "That feels really good."
"Yeah? Means I'm allowed to do this again, huh?"
"Any time you want," she promised.
When I had all of her hair lathered nicely, I twisted it around and made a pile on her head, but didn't rinse my hands. The shampoo made them just slick enough to slide on her skin, so I kept kneading, working my way down the back of her neck to her shoulders. When I hit a good spot, she moaned again, and I felt my dick throb against her back, but she ignored it. On the other shoulder, she made the same noise.
"I like giving massages too," I told her, but my voice had turned deeper, and I couldn't stop it.
"But only for women?" she teased.
"Foryou," I corrected. "Believe it or not, I want you to be the most spoiled priestess in the temple. I'm a little jealous that Talin gets to do all the pampering."
"I'll trade with Eladehl any time you want," she promised. "I miss seeing you so much. I miss... this."
"Rinse," I told her. "Before I get any ideas."
The little minx slid her way down my body and tipped her head back so she was looking up at me. It made her breasts peek above the surface as her back arched, and then she swiped her hair backward, the length of it sliding across myentirebody. Including my dick.
"The other bottle's the conditioner," she told me. "I mean, if I still have to keep my shoulders under the water."
"And if you don't?" I asked.
She bit her lower lip. "I'm trying to decide if I should kiss you now or wait until we're out of the tub."
"Out of the tub," I decided. "Baby, my dick is so hard that if you don't get your hair off it, we'll have to wash it all over again."