I slid my hand up his thigh, aiming for his waist. "You feel good. Too good."

"Grease that hand and grab my dick?" he begged.

There was an awkward moment where I refused to pull back out of his ass, but had to reach for the lube. My other hand held my weight off him, but I managed, opening the top, flooding my hand so much that the fluid spilled onto the bed, and then Talin grabbed the bottle. The entire process was just enough to let my own body calm down.

Yet the moment I slid my fist down his shaft, he clenched again. Zeal’s balls, I wouldn't last if he kept that up. Then again, as hard as he was, he wouldn't either. Still, I didn't want this to just be physical. I wanted... more.

So I leaned closer to kiss him again. The movement buried me a little deeper, and he groaned into my mouth. That was when I finally started to move. Sliding out of him, my hand slid down his cock, all the way to the balls. As I pushed back in, I locked my arm against my side, moving it up with me.

Talin prayed. The words were soft, stolen between our kisses, but I heard them. I also felt him give me complete control. He didn't care what I did, he just wanted it to be me. The rush of that felt almost as good as his ass clenched around me.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Faster," he begged. "Harder?"

I tightened my fingers and drove myself into him. I remembered that spot I'd liked so much and tried to find it. The moment I did, his fingers dug into my back, and I aimed for it again, then again, loving the way he whimpered. This big, strong man, hiding nothing from me.

"Ela..." he gasped.

So I thrust again, then again, until his body squeezed around me, and still, I tried to keep going. Stroking him inside and out, I refused to stop until I finally got the one thing I wanted. He came, throbbing in my hand as his cum spurted between our bodies and his ass wrung my own release from me. But Talin clung to me, pressing his face against my neck, and just let me hold him.

It was the kind of surrender I'd always longed to feel, and he hadn't resisted it. At some point, I'd dropped to my elbow, the hand that had previously been around his dick was closed in a fist, that forearm around the back of his neck, and I gave him the chance to just breathe, the same way he'd done for me.

Until he finally leaned back. That was when I slid out of his body, shifted over his leg, and claimed the space beside him. With a chuckle, Talin moved to rest his head in that space between my shoulder and chest.

"I finally understand what she was talking about," he said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Nari." He looked up. "The slime trail. We're going to need fresh sheets."

I nodded. "And a bath. Don't worry, I'm taking notes. But..." I kissed his forehead. "Let me enjoy this for a minute?"

He turned to wrap his arm around my waist. "Just tell me this wasn't a one-time thing?"

"I'd rather it wasn't. The truth is..." I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. "I like not having to be perfect."

"I like you when you're not perfect," he breathed. "Probably more than I should."

"No such thing." And I hugged him, but all I could think was that when it happened, I was going to fall for this man so hard.

I just hoped Nari would be ok with that.

Chapter 16


Ela all but jumped into Talin's room, and Nari's guardian didn't hesitate before following. When we reached her door, I heard Talin's lock click. Nari's smothered giggle proved that she did too, but it didn't stop her from walking into her own suite. There was no jealousy on her face. No anxiety in the set of her shoulders.

I was pretty sure she was cheering them on. The only thing I didn't understand was how those three made it all look so easy. Nariana wasn't worried about them forgetting about her. Talin didn't seem to care if anyone liked what he did - or who it was with. And when Eladehl wanted something, he always made it happen. Didn't work like that for me.

Even Zeal called me a giant, which was one step down from a monster. Still, when my girl looked back and asked me to lock the door, I found myself smiling at her like an idiot. I also obeyed.

"Lemme run you a bath," I said, heading toward the back of her suite.

Mostly, it was because I didn't know what else to do, and I was already nervous about being alone with her. This had been easier when we were "kids" and only allowed to go so far. Granted, that had been less than a month ago, but I'd still managed to chase her off and into Talin's arms. And yeah, I was ok with that, but only because he was what she needed. There was a little, tiny piece of me that wanted her all to myself.

Ok, and there was a bigger piece that wanted to watch her and Eladehl togethersobad. An evenbiggerone wanted to hold her down while he had his way with her. I might also have a little sliver that wanted to see Talin's dick in her mouth with Ela's in his ass, but I'd never admit that out loud.