I saw hands shoot up around me, and Oryll pointed at someone near the back.

"Eroticism is the sensuality that evokes lust from activities that would otherwise be considered normal."

Recognizing the voice, I turned around to find Tishlie beaming proudly. Beside her sat Ciella. I hated both of them, but the feeling was mutual. As an acolyte, Ciella had targeted myself and my friends, going so far as to tie Eladehl up and burn him with candle wax. Tishlie had stolen my best friend away, but I'd assumed she was harmless. She'd always seemed to be spineless, but lately, I was starting to rethink that first impression.

"Very good," Oryll told her. "And in this class, we will learn how to use eroticism to heighten the senses and make sessions more enjoyable to the patrons. As Priests of the Body, your duty is to become an extension of your god. Your patrons seek you out to fulfill their temptations. Does anyone know why?" He didn't even look at the hands. "Nariana?"

"Because when temptations are not properly channeled, they grow into something dangerous." I lifted my chin, waiting for him to say I was wrong.

"Give me an example," he said instead.

"The man who wants to choke a woman," I replied. "We are trained how to handle that, and we have a protector behind us to stop it if things get out of hand and to care for us afterwards. Without us as an outlet, the patron's wife or daughter could end up under his hand, and would likely fight back, triggering the choker to push just a bit further until the subject is killed. If the desire is burned out on us, it's less likely to build up to the point where the tempted one is out of control."

"That's not in the textbook," Oryll said. "But you are correct. We offer the taboo. When a wife wants to beat her husband for embarrassing her, we have plenty of large, imposing Priests of the Body who will take it. When a man wants to try a dangerous sex act, we offer priests with experience, who've been carefully trained for such things. And eroticism is what can shift a patron's thoughts from pain to pleasure."

"Wait," a guy in the front row said. "Eroticism is always used for the darker acts?"

"Forallacts," Oryll corrected. "Eroticism is the thing that will make a lonely man feel special, an ugly woman feel desirable, and an enraged one become tender. This is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. The trick, though, is to remember to use it. Tothinkin the passion of the moment, and to find ways to fulfil your patron's deepest desires while shifting it to something healthier."

Eladehl lifted his hand. "Pain play isn't considered healthy?"

"Can be," Oryll said, "so long as both parties care about limits. For those of you who will be accepting assignments of that sort, your responsibility will be to teach the patrons that pushing too far willlessentheir enjoyment. Walking the line between pain and pleasure is fine, so long as both parties are on the same page."

"How?" a girl asked.

Oryll smiled at her kindly. "That is what you will learn in this class. But before you are ready for advanced techniques, all of you must have some experience with your body. Most of our first-year initiates have only recently been released from the prohibition on penetration. So, let us discuss the initial penetration of a virgin, and how to properly prepare your partner to reduce anxiety and increase pleasure. That is the first step of eroticism."

From there, he began to discuss various types of intimate contact. Priest Oryll first made it clear that women shouldnotbleed when they lose their virginity. Proper preparation and lubrication would allow the hymen to stretch instead of tear, in most cases. He also made it clear that initial anal penetration required just as much care.

That caught Eladehl's attention. As Oryll discussed the correlation between mental preparedness and physical, plus ways to alleviate the anxiety that came with a first experience, my partner took notes. He wasn't the only one. It seemed that most of the onus was on men to give a satisfying first experience, or so I thought. Until he began to discuss strap-ons and anal penetration by women.

ThenIwas the one taking notes. Not because I could imagine Wraythe being interested in such things, but I could see Eladehl enjoying it. Or maybe Talin. Then, near the end of class, Oryll brought up the subject of men's first penetrative act, and the expectations weighing on them to perform well. He discussed common fears, such as crushing a partner, not fitting, or finishing too early, and how to make a man's first time something he could be proud of.

The subject matter was delivered clinically, yet Priest Oryll never once shied away from our questions. The mechanics of sexual contact were explained without shame, laid out in a way that was easy to understand, yet left personal preferences open for everyone to discover on their own. And then he gave us our homework.

"I suggest you begin to partner up. Second-year students in this class should have their own experiences by now, so they can mentor those from the first year. And don't worry about having a mental connection. That is not required for this assignment. Focus on the physical one. Simple lust is a perfectly acceptable reason to have sex. While our patrons have to worry about pregnancy and other complications, Priests of Temptation are immune from such things. If at any time you have concerns or are dissatisfied with your experience, I encourage you to talk to me. I will be in my office all week."

"Wait," Tishlie said, jumping to her feet. "So our homework is to fuck?"

"To experiment," Oryll corrected. "Anxiety may take longer for some of you to overcome than others."

Tishlie was shaking her head. "You expect us to just grab someone from class and go at it?"

Oryll leaned back against his desk and crossed his arms. "Priestess Tishlie, what exactly do you think the duties of the Body involve, if not fucking? In most cases, you will not be given the chance to 'get to know' your partner before he or she wants to touch you - or have you touch them."

"But doesn't that devalue our experience?" she asked.

"Doesn't have to," someone in front of me mumbled, but it was loud enough for Tishlie to hear.

"You can't just tell us to spread our legs," she snapped. "That's notfair!"

"Then step down to the Path of Action," Oryll replied, his voice cold. "The Path of the Body is for those who are willing to be used. You are not required to follow it, and we are not forcing you to be on this Path."

"But I don't want to move down to alowerPath," Tishlie gasped.

Oryll shrugged as if he was completely unconcerned. "Then decide which matters to you most. That is a part of this assignment, determining your comfort with the expected duties. If you cannot give your body away, then accept a lower Path, Priestess."

"Fine," she snapped. "I'll fuck whoever you want."