So I rolled over him to rest my chin on his chest. "Nope. Talin agrees too. So, what did you do?"

"Um, that guy I told you about?" He lifted his head to see me nod, then dropped it back onto his pillow. "Yeah, um, afterwards, I kinda finished off another bottle of alcohol. Drinking the shame away, I think. And I didn't clean up, so Wraythe made me. He kinda hauled my ass into the shower and washed me himself."

"Really?" Because that actually sounded rather adorable.

"And I kissed his chest," Ela went on. "And kinda thrust into his hand when he was doing his best to clean off my balls and dick. Not my finest moment."

Then, from the doorway, Wraythe chuckled. "He was trying to be sexy. Not my fault it doesn't work."

"C'mon," Ela begged. "What else did I do?"

"Sucked on my nipple, um, told me I was hot a few million times, and you tried to suck my dick." Wraythe leaned his shoulder against the door frame. "If I was any shorter, you would've kissed me. Instead, you just curled up in my arms and passed out. Yes, I spent the night. Yes, I held you the whole time. That's why I was here the next morning."

Ela groaned, flopping an arm over his eyes. "I'm sorry, man."

"It's ok," Wraythe told him, sounding like it wasn't the first time. "But Talin and I want breakfast before we start cleaning. Amerlee intends to have our family celebration tonight, and they're all coming here this evening, and our place is a mess. Food before work. I heard voices, which means you're awake, so... Up!" His eyes jumped over to me. "And I'm waiting until you get out of that bed naked."

So I pushed off the blankets and crawled my way off the side. Considering that I'd started closer to the other side, with Ela between me and the edge, well, it was a bit of crawling. I also could feel two sets of eyes watching my ass the whole way. Once I reached the floor, I hurried into the bathroom to do my business, but the guys were still talking in the bedroom.

"Seriously," Ela was saying, "I did not mean that."

"It's ok," Wraythe said again. "I am your guardian. I'm gonna grab your dick, probably get pissed and even shit on at some point, and definitely puked on. I'm not really worried about you trying to kiss me."

"I am," Ela grumbled.

"Why?" Wraythe asked, making it clear there was no room to get out of answering.

"Because I'm not going to rape you!" Ela snapped.

"No. Stop." Wraythe's reply was a command. "You were trying to flirt. I was not telling you no, and as soon as I did, you stopped. You're just one of those touchy drunks, and so fucking what? Ela, I've got no secrets from you, and you'd better not be keeping any from me, so this? Stop worrying about it. You were drunk and I was taking care of you. That's it. Believe it or not, I kinda like doing it."


"Yes," Wraythe assured him. "That's why I wanted to be your guardian. You are my best friend, ok? No secrets, no lines. That's what we promised, and I still mean it." I could hear the sound of the bed creak, which meant either Ela had gotten up or Wraythe had sat down, and it sounded like the latter. "I'm actually more concerned about you crashing after your sessions."

"I was just coming to terms with things," Ela insisted.

"Mhm." But it sounded like Wraythe didn't agree. "It's ok to need someone, and that someone is supposed to be me. Rage as hard as you want, just know that I'm always going to be right here when it's over, ok? Even if you're kissing on me. Because truth be told, if I'm ever going to kiss a guy, it's going to be you."

Ela chuckled. "Can you at least lie and tell me it's amazing when it happens?"

"When," Wraythe repeated, chuckling at Ela's assumption. "Yeah. Promise. Now get up. I'm fucking starving, and Talin's waiting for all of us."

That put me into action. I quickly finished brushing my teeth and gave up on my hair, twisting it into a knot on the back of my head. I really needed to wash it and let it dry straight, but that hadn't been an option in the baron's residence. Ladies only wore their hair down in private, so mine had permanent kinks and twists that refused to behave.

Since I wasn't going for beautiful, I stepped out and started rummaging for comfortable clothes. Eladehl quickly took my place in the bathroom, and Wraythe offered a shirt I hadn't noticed before. I took it, pulling on a soft pair of pants, and only then realized that it was one of Talin's.

"Where'd you get this?" I asked.

Wraythe ducked his head to hide a smile. "Before you two left, he got some new clothes. He was going to throw out the old ones, but Ela said some of these would look cute on you."

"Me in another man's shirt?" I lifted a brow to make my point.

Wraythe just shrugged. "Not like you can wear mine, but it's still a guardian's shirt."

Then he turned me for the main room, giving me a little swat on the ass. I scooted, reaching back to grab the spot, and gaped at him in shock. Wraythe was grinning, and in the kitchen, Talin laughed, making it clear he'd seen the whole thing too.

"Oww!" I fake-whined.