"Yes," Talin said, contradicting me. "She talks to Zeal. She can summon him when she wants. I'd call that pretty special." The whole time, he was pulling clothes from his closet. Half of them were for me. "So is Maela bringing little Haryth?" he asked his sister.
"Nope." She grinned. "Sounds like our big brother is in serious trouble with his wife.And, it's entirely possible that I'm pissed at him too. Not just because he made Maela upset, either. I heard him talking to Thiemo about walking in on you two kissing in the library and how he's going to take the one thing you have left. Said he'll make sure you realize that he's the baron, and you'll never be more than the seventh son of the family, and not even good enough to do more than protect Zeal's real assets."
"Please," Talin begged, "tell me that you have no idea what he's talking about?"
"Your ring," Yamina said, "and that you're not one of 'Zeal's whores,' as Tath calls them. I'm almost seventeen, Talin. I promise that I know what happens in the marriage bed - or the temple." She gave him a scathing look to prove her point. "I also know that the Baron of Temptation doesn't respect his god, and that's a big problem for the family. It means I have two choices. I can either make sure Maela picks up the slack he leaves, or I can get married next year and get out as fast as I can. But I'm still a Ranndor, so I know which one I'd prefer."
"Always knew you were my favorite sister," Talin teased. "So how do we convince Tath that Priests of the Body aren't simply whores, hm? SinceIclearly can't get through to him, what is your big plan?"
"Nari started it," Yamina admitted. "She invited Maela to the temple. Maela's curious. She told me last night that she heard she gets the same privileges there as the baron."
"She does," Talin agreed. "And I assume you know what that means too, right?"
"Pretty boys," Yamina said, grinning at her brother's discomfort. "So, my plan is that if Tath thinks he's going to steal Nari from you, I'll help the temple steal Maela from him. If our brother will not take up his responsibilities, then his wife will, and that is the kind of thing most men cannot tolerate. Letting Lady Ranndor represent the barony inside the temple? Oh, it will never fly."
"It will in the temple," Talin assured her.
"I mean here," Yamina grumbled.
"There's always a price," I said softly, looking back at Talin.
He moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Do you think Eladehl could be convinced to act like a gentleman?"
"I think he's one of the few people who could not only be cruel to your brother, but gentle to your sister-in-law. I also think that helovesshopping, wine tasting, and plenty of other activities that Maela would enjoy having a companion for." I tilted my head, exposing my neck for him to kiss. "And then there's Wraythe."
"Which one's Wraythe?" Yamina asked, smiling a little too brightly when her brother kissed the side of my throat slowly.
"He's Talin's partner, the guardian of my partner."
"And," Talin added, "he's huge."
"You're huge," Yamina countered. "Tath says you have muscles like a dock worker."
"Like a guardian," he corrected, "because my protection training is how I earned them. But no, Wraythe? He's six and a half feet tall, and just as broad. The man is a giant, Yamina. A common-born giant who could snap our brother in half without trying. He makes me look like a little boy by comparison."
"Why," the girl groaned, "do all the best men have to be priests? How am I supposed to get married at this rate? And why couldn't I have joined the temple?"
"Because our father wanted to sell you off for a good alliance," Talin told her. "And you should be ready for Tath to do the same."
Yamina shook her head. "Maela said she won't let him."
"Maela doesn't wear the pants in this family," Talin reminded her.
Yamina just smiled. "Don't be so sure, big brother. Men like to brag that they're in charge, and yet all of you trip over yourselves when a woman wants something. When it's your woman and she actually has the power to get it herself? It kinda changes things. Maela's the one ruling this family. Well, she will be when Nari and I are done with her."
She turned for the door, but Talin stopped her with one last question. "When did you decide you believe in Zeal?" he asked.
She turned but kept walking backwards. "Talin, I'm the youngest child in a household filled with secrets. I know why you left last time, and it wasn't to go back to the temple. I know that Lina lost three babies before she started praying and finally had two. I also know that Zeal has to be real, because you both are hiding something. I don't know what it is yet, but I have a feeling that it's why neither of you were wearing clothes. Figure it would take a god to get rid of a guardian's ring, huh?"
"I still wear a ring," Talin assured her.
Yamina smiled. "Are you saying I'm wrong? Because you sure don't kiss her like a friend."
"What doyouknow of such things?" he demanded.
"I know that there's something. You can tell me or not. Doesn't matter, and probably isn't any of my business anyway, but it's still proof that Zeal's involved, right?"
I nodded. "It is, and I think your brother has sadly underestimated you."